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Old 23-05-2007, 11:32 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Choca
I love when people whinge about people doing burnouts and "getting what they deserve" this is a car forum I am almost certain that 99% of you guys have smoked them up before, on public roads. This poor fool unfortunatly got caught, so he without spirited accelation cast the first stone

Thank you for your post, I now have some idea on what happens to those that get caught.

Amen to that!

And for the other people saying why post this!@!@@@OMFG1111ONE1!!!

Heaps of people post their life experiences on here, i think its a good thing, might help others out in the future
"I've got 2 Blow off valves, their for the chicks bro"

Ps. Yes i have used the search button mum....
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