Thread: Sun Burnt!!!!!!
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Old 10-01-2008, 11:22 PM   #19
let it burn
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Originally Posted by prydey
i believe that warm/hot shower thing is a myth. if you burn your finger the first thing you do is stick it under the cold water. why would sunburn be any diffferent.

i'm in adelaide and for some reason the sun rarely burns me. whenever i go away on holidays to gold coast or sunny coast it seems to be a lot different and sun cream is a must. if i get burnt its usually a cold shower and plenty of moisturiser. you can get stuff that has like an aneasthetic in it which is really good if you need to get to sleep. if you keep up the moisture it shouldn't peel.
Deeper burn maybe? With a real burn youre cooling deeper than the skin layers, and the effect of a real burn is more severe. Sunburn is only skin deep.

Im guessing.
Originally Posted by TZENU
believe it or not but Vinegar drenched in a tea-towel really cools the burn... i didnt believe it until i tried it!!!!
How much tea towel should I use to drench the vinegar? :
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