Thread: Lancer Cop Car
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Old 02-05-2008, 08:27 AM   #16
Force Fed Fords
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Few weeks ago saw a black Kia Magentis POS all done up in police stickers and lights etc. Frankly, I think this is dumb and the school liaison is just another window dressing technique used by a tired old government that has enough trouble rising beyond the spin. The fact that these losers will no longer support Australian jobs for the lancer and Kia is telling; just one look at the NSW exodus of businesses leaving the state shows how inept and incompetent that they as a government are. Firstly they tax the ever loving crap out of everyone, then they appoint all their old mates into senior 150K pa plus positions, then they wonder why they have no money. Never mind the fact that they never accomplish real outcomes; this police school crap is a farce and like everything else it will fall by the wayside as the PC intelligentsia determine however else they can ruin others lives for their own super inflated egoes and self flagellation.
Police and School Liaison? Please. How about the NSW government actually forces the judges to put people in prison first instead of giving them warnings?
End Rant.
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