Thread: Panic Attacks
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Old 14-04-2010, 12:21 PM   #19
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 301

Theres a really good little book i used on dealing with them, its very childish with cartoons etc i will get the name of it when i get home and post it up. Was good for my wife to read and understand as well maybe someone else knows the name.

It was written by a lady who had been through it and concentrates on how to control your thoughts and accept what is happening, was great to try and make yourself read while it was happening as it put a smile on your face. All about how you are in charge and to take control tell yourself or"it" you arent going to be ruled by it and to ******** off etc.

In the end i think it was a good thing i went through it, i got back into my Fords and bought a project car to fill my time, spent more time with my dogs - its amazing how calming it is to go throw a stick around
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