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Old 14-09-2005, 10:33 PM   #7
Fairmont Ghia
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Alright! After a bit of work and playing around, I have a 100% serviceable heater assembly.

First I needed to manufacture a resistor pack to give me my two fan speeds. I spent a ridiculous 30 cents on each ceramic resistor (how will my budget survive), and using my skills learnt at work, made a new robust resistor pack. The fan now has two speeds - Fast and Faster - and is sure to suck in kittens and small children that wander too close.

Once I was sure the fan was working properly after cleaning the contacts, I scrubbed back the deflector plates, gave them a hit of paint, and applied new foam to them. While I don't care too much about the insulation side of things, any rattle caused by them would drive me insane. I also lubricated the hinges with graphite powder.

Right, I have got everything done, putting it together must be easy, right? Putting everything in place in one side was easy enough....

But getting the other half on was a nightmare! You need 6 hands and double jointed elbows to get all the bits aligned... after much work and patience, I had my serviceable heater assembly completed!

Like everything I build for my cars, this will survive a nuclear war, and I can be assured it won't let me down!

One small step for man, one even smaller part of my RS2000 restored...

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