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Old 09-12-2011, 08:29 AM   #3
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Top Gear Spotted Filming in China

Looking forward to the news paper articles -

Jeremy Clarkson instigates WW3 with China due to racist and derogatory comments about their car making industry

Jeremy Clarkson has brought the wrath of China, the worlds biggest military might on the UK while reviewing their latest vehicular creations..

Jeremy had this to say - "Don't worry about it, they can't drive and their cars are deathtraps. I'm sure most of their army will kill themselves on the drive over to invade. We'll just chuck a few round abouts and one way streets in their way, that will confuse them for sure! They'll end up invading Belgium instead - Great!. Of course, this is only if busses and lorries don't get to them first"
1992 EBII Fairmont Ghia 4.0l <---Click for the Gallery!
White on bright red smoothies with thick whitewalls. Cruising around to some rockabilly
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