Originally Posted by buggo
How can I find out who/ where owned it? There were no books on the glovebox. Is this something the auction place can tell me over the phone?
It really does not matter. It is a HP car which means it has spent many many hours parked just idling running the aircon and disco.
If a normal car has 40,000km on the odometer this means the engine has been running for somewhere between 600 and 900 hours.
A police car can easily be running 100 hours per week but only do 1000 km on the odometer so your 40,000 km car may have done the same number of revolutions (and therefore had the same amout of wear as a 150,000km car).
Also there is no "warm it up on a cold morning". Get in and get going and if the first job is lights ands sirens (and often even if it is not) then the right pedal cops a flogging.
For this reason a 40,000 km HP car cannot be compared to a 40,000 km "normal" car and also th reason why Taxi engines last longer in km on the odometer than "normal" cars.
This is why they are cheaper.
Now if you don't care about that then by all means grab a "bargain".
Just be aware that you may have future issues and the warranty only lasts for 3 years, 2 of which have already expired. Remember fixing broken FGs out of warranty can be rather expensive.
Your choice. Forewarned is forearmed.........