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Old 17-01-2006, 04:12 PM   #52
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Beaumont Hills
Posts: 2,536

Im from syd, so I'd be more then happy to cruise down with some of the sydney boys and girls - possibly to Yass, meet up with the ACT group and then continue the trip down?
Will be great to meet up with alot of you.

1. BLUPRNT XR8 (and wife)
2. Casper (and family)
3. Tornado (and family)
4. The Dok (and family
5. HP Dude (and wife: the XR8)
6. BJMXR (single man... sad stuff)
7. asterix (and kid/s)
8. mattbl (and family)
9. XR6Stu (single man.. and lovin it!)
10. LG (plus a few)
11. Alex (AU XLS ute V8)
12. RspecAU (and family)
13. TallPaul
14. Laminge and Dog
15. Alan (AUII XR6HP)
17. Lushau
18. XR8GuY84 (AUII XR8 - Car load)
19. mattsAU1
20. T2TL50
21. Stiddy (with a car full of screaming teenage girls)

Non Au's
1. MADNC_8......
2. EA2BA
3. EL Ghia
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