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Old 03-12-2013, 01:16 PM   #67
pottery beige
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Default Re: $115,000 for a Falcon? FPV owners try to cash in...

Originally Posted by f6_benito View Post
I don't think they will ever be collectible.

But in the 70s everyone had a 351 v8 or a 302. Ford and Holden were the top selling cars and people didn't rate the Korean cars let alone jap cars. Even the euros were out of reach of many. There were very few options, you pretty much had to have a v8 falcon or Holden.

So people grew up with fond memories of their ford/Holden v8s.. Hence they pay to get one to feel they are going back in time to relive their youth.

These days falcon and commodore aren't even at the top of the sales charts? Who exactly is growing up with fond memories of current r-spec fpv cars? There are so many more cars available for sale today, it's not funny.

It's only us on the forum that even know they exist. Fpv aren't closing because they can't meet demand, it's because outside of this community no one wants them.

In 30 years time many of us won't even be able to drive.. Our kids won't know what a r spec is and they won't care if you try to tell them.

Buy it to enjoy today, those looking to cash in are going to be bitterly disappointed. At best they will go to obscure antique car shows to show them off. The only way they will appreciate in value is if we (this community) bid against one another in 30 years for them.
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