Originally Posted by HULK_I6T
I thought packer would be odds on favourite with the weight, height and reach advantage..
But Gyngell I beleive has a martial arts background and chopped down the big tree with a few slashes..
I think the decision has to go with Gyngell for the win.
You better check whether your tv is installed correctly , yours must be upside down !
Originally Posted by EVL BOS
As other have said it's the change over price that you need to worry about. Don't be focused on the trade in price and also the price you want is a retail price not wholesale price which the dealer is paying you. The retail price is what the dealer will sell it for if they keep it. If you really want the retail price then put it up on carsales for that amount and sell it privately. When I bought my st while I waited the 4 months for it to arrive I tried selling my XR8 privately but gave up the market for v8's is dying in the end I traded it in, they offered me $7000 which is a good price. But I wasn't fussed its the change over you have to worry about. And also one way dealerships inflate a trade in value is to take the money off the new car in the deal so on paper it looks like you got more for your car but in reality you didn't.
Originally Posted by Road_Warrior
On the subject of mandatory sentencing: the lawyer/legal fraternities and associations decry it because it "undermines the sanctity of the legal system" and "takes away the independence of the judiciary" and it demonstrates that "parliamentarians are out of touch with society" by introducing such legislation.
Now, if parliamentarians/governments are responding to public outrage over soft sentences for violent crimes by implementing mandatory sentencing, forcing the judiciary to take the public interest into account and set a baseline for what it considers an appropriate punishment for violent crime, who indeed is "out of touch with society?" Here's a hint: it's not the lawmakers.