Thread: fuel prices
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Old 31-01-2015, 12:13 PM   #314
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: fuel prices

There have been times where if i was feeling particularly big tight butt, i would do a mix ,
and by that i mean ........if i had 98 in the tank ...... when i got down to half i would just add 91, which seemed to work ok without any pinging, which is the norm on my old au xr running a full tank of 91,
my xr just doesnt like the cheap stuff,

this is not something i would do on a blown or turboed donk, but it does seem to work ok for my NA au.

and just on that note of octane mix....... i seem to remember many years ago............ some rare servos had a bowser that you could get a blend of different octanes....... anyone else ???
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