Originally Posted by jdbeen
I'm from Newcastle. Mainly just into getting out of town and relaxing, maybe a bit of hiking. Always wanted to get into hunting but haven't really found someone to teach me the in's and out's yet.
I'm not new to the offroad scene so I've seen plenty of the gear out there but my background is in engineering and am pretty handy so I think I'll DIY a lot of my own stuff. Not to mention most 4x4 gear is outrageously overpriced.
Maybe start some dedicated threads about it. Places, Set-up and Hunting ? There are some great places I have been and always wanted to go back. Some I know I never will, but at least I know I have been there. Set-up is another thing with many good idea's not made commercially yet. ARB started from seeing poorly made stuff on a Cape York trip and deciding he could make better.