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Old 04-03-2006, 11:40 PM   #33
windsor user
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Originally Posted by Phil91EB
Geez mate take it easy it was just another idea throw out there if nothing else worked "pathetic" as it may be.
They may actually get off there ИИИИ if the cops get involved but after reading it again seems highly unlikely It looks as though they think they will win if it goes to court so I think insurance and get the stuff fixed that is covered. Council are always interested to find out what happens to their land and Workcover will be very interested in their work practices.
just think about it for a sec.....

so he's already made all the calls to tell then whats happened...the right way.
it doesnt work out, so he rings the cops again saying what you said,
all this would do is make him look like the bad guy and he'd get absolutley nowhere...

see why its a bad idea???
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