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Old 12-03-2017, 10:24 PM   #795
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

I'm going to throw it out there. For the past few months I have been separated from the wife of 5 years, together 12 and a bit, 7 and a half year old son. House cars all the rest. Not through choice. I'll start with the fact I'm actually liking the freedom. Anyrate. The circumstances leading up to the situation were I was her emotional dumping ground, and she wouldn't have a bar of any if my issues. Let's face it, everyone has issues to offload at one point or another. Her dad copped dimentia a few months back which sparked the problems. She had it through her head she could help. My logic to get professional help only made her angry. Turns out a nursing home with mental health workers was the outcome. There were times when I was down about it all, and a fellow member kept my head up. But now I'm in a good place. I still do financially keep her going because she is struggling, and my son is a champ who doesn't deserve to be without due to circumstances out of his control. I think she needs help, and I'm not out shopping, if she sorts herself out I'm a forgiving guy.
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