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Old 09-06-2017, 02:49 PM   #143
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Default Re: Australia housing bubble

Great to see some Good news stories coming from knuckling down, focus, goals.
b0son just as fordomatic quotes, not wishing to go back and forth BUT all I'll say is this short snap shot of my ride.
Started later than many re 1st house.
Partied, travelled,surfed but worked hard, cars galore up to 5 owned at once regoed insuranced.
@ 28yrs met "that girl".....
My bank was empty but I was ready to marry.
Cried to Dad, well not that but asked can we live with you for a year so as to savesavesave.
When I think about what it costed back then to get into our 1st place I shuddered the thought of THAT much debt, I recall sitting in the bank to sign the mortgage papers like it was a sentence !
The old man said you got 2 choices, miles away from our areas or be prepared to buy the worst house on a good street.
We bought a s-hitter !
Within the 1st year of marriage @ 30 no 1 son coming, I/we had a mortgage out of our a rse's......
Worked on this place with our bare hands, lived tight !
Spent $20k on it over 5yrs - doubled our money on the sale.
Next purchase - much better area but again the worst house in a good street.
Same again, by then no2 arrived and before we knew it no 3.
I never thought we would make it !
Life has so many Sky is Falling scenarios, be it the economy, personal hurdles, job, you got keep your head UP, be positive and strive what you Want.
We felt no different to what you harp on about, you hate hearing this but thats life !
I bitched to my old man, why do I have to buy a house, why do I have to be in debt because you did it and most others.
Well, thats your choice eh.
Stop crying us a river !
My eldest near on mid 20's now, he knows what he needs to do and is getting on with it.
Great saver, expect marriage soon with girlfriend of last 3yrs, great couple, grounded and have their goals set.
We will gladly dip in to help them but TBH I know my son will likely say no thanks Dad we have it covered !
Whining gets you no where.
Tickfords T3/TS50 '02
Sprint8 manual Sept 24 '16
Daily Macan GTS
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Abraham Lincoln"
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