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Old 24-01-2020, 07:40 PM   #1589
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
Posts: 8,378
Default Re: What made you feel good today?

I have so much fun ommitting a few poinient words from a sentance to make people think its about something else. So today where i was working there is a spitroast place over the road. I was telling the apprentice how good the roast beef rolls are. He tells me his mates rave on about places like that, but he has never been. So we go there for lunch and had brilliant roast beef rump rolls with gravy. Afterwards i say tell your mrs you had your first spitroast with your tradesman today and the rump was excellent. He gives me the youre an idiot look and says his mrs will bash him. I suppose that would be a first, getting bashed by your girlfriend over describing your lunch.
I pulled something, different topic ofcourse on my mum a few months back. I had a work experience kid. So when i went for dinner with mum i told her and she asked how he did. I said good, we did a job here and there and ended up in a hospital. She got concerned and asked if i was ok. I said fine. She aged about 2 years from concern when she asked was the work experience kid ok. I said he was also fine. We were pulling cables...
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