Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 23-03-2020, 12:14 AM   #366
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Im struggling to understand Scomo's stance on schools.

He suggests that Children are at a lower risk of complications but that doesn't mean having 30kids in a classroom cant be a source of transmission from one family to another whom otherwise may never come in to contact.
Secondly, he suggest that kids would lose a year, whilst this is true, its not the end of the world. When I went through school here in SA you graduated yr12 at the age of 17, somewhere along the line they changed the age of transition from preschool to primary school and now yr12 graduates are 18, so taking ALL children out of schools now will just mean children in SA would then turn 19 in yr12.
I think there is greater harm to be done by allowing parents to make their own decisions as it will create a divide between those children who stay home and miss the next few months of schooling and those who continue on.
I understand the Governments concerns with the effects on parents, especially those in health care and support their desire to provide somewhere for their children to be to allow them to stay on the front line, but surely this could be done through the avenue of programs like OSHC (Out of School Hours Care) whereby mainstream education ceases and modified programs are run to keep the attending children occupied and then schooling to resume for all children when deemed safe for ALL involved.
This isolates children and families who don't need unnecessary exposure regardless of the risk whilst maintaining the ability for healthcare workers to fight on.
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