Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 23-03-2020, 10:07 AM   #386
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by BENT_8 View Post
Paying them anyway and they could still be contributing by running the programs I mentioned.

Just to clarify my own position, if they close the Schools I'm out of a job, that's a significant economic hit to us but on the positive side it eliminates 2 sources of possible contact with the virus, firstly I wouldn't come in contact with the children of 9 families directly any of whom could in their daily lives come in contact with it.
Secondly, if I wasn't in this position I'd seriously consider taking my kids out of school to again reduce the avenues to contracting it and in doing so help prevent my Wife coming down with it and unsuspectingly taking it to her workplace.
I can't justify eliminating this possible source whilst I'm still exposed to the former and it would also see my children disadvantaged in terms of education compared to those who continue on under Scomo's current guidelines.
Possibly a purely economic decision? Imagine the bill for all those idle teachers...
They are supporting the rest of Australia ? the teachers would be a drop in the ocean.

My daughter is a primary teacher and for those with skin in the game know it's a nightmare at schools at the moment.

They have no way to keep 500 little kids apart at the moment at any one time, the kids simply are too young to get the distancing thing.

They also report no sanitiser in the classrooms, so while the parents in most cases are home there are throngs of kids now running around together and then possibly bringing and or taking home C19

I think the reasoning behind keeping schools home is to allow parents needed in essential services to get to work and so they do not stay home.

So while it is difficult these teachers are also the front line in the battle we also face. I know my daughter does not feel safe now attending school given the difficulty in trying to get these kids organised and the given risks.

We then to compound that have other family members that have medical/respiratory problems compounding this problem.

So if you see a teacher out there on the front line try and understand how hard and upsetting it is for these poor buggers right now.

I think they are trying to get those kids who can stay home to stay home and at least some sanitiser for those remaining plus more, but with the speed of changes it has not been an easy ride for everybody including our teachers.
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