Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 27-03-2020, 01:26 AM   #716
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 625
Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by prydey View Post
the streets would be gridlocked within hours.

having people go to the shop is much more efficient than taking the shop to the people.

the situation at the shops, ironically, is caused by the people, not the inefficiencies of the system. selfish people have created artificial demand. Just like most other things, many people in society these days have an issue with authority. the 'stick it to the man' mentality reigns supreme. Authorities have shouted from the rooftops that supply isn't an issue and not to hoard or panic buy, yet the idiots think they know better and create the problem they are now trying to solve.

If everyone just accepted that this is a new problem for everyone, and respected the advice given by those trying to run the country, things would actually be better. Those that think the rules and advice doesn't apply to them are the ones making it difficult for everyone else.
Going by ur rant, I assume your weekly shops aren't as pleasant anymore prydey? Sorry mate, had to have a poke 🙂
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