Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 28-03-2020, 05:51 PM   #802
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by roddy1960 View Post
How are you all doing round Oz ? All I've been doing all week , lost count how many times I've done it is wipe , spray , wipe , spray disinfectant . Not my job to do to this degree but before I think of whinging I know I should thank my lucky stars that I have a secure public sector job and not struggling like so many of my fellow Aussies are .

What a bitch of a year it is . Drought , Bushfires and Pandemics and it's only March . What's next ...Cyclones , Tornadoes and Floods ...probably .

Not going to rant on about pollies here or anywhere else or because that's no good . Just hoping that in the next few months that losses from this rotten little disease will be kept to a minimum , not least here on our patch and some okay rains will hit still drought ridden areas and those still recovering from the fires will have some good outcomes in among the pestilence .

For those of us single or family members not impacted medically or financially lets just suck it up , be grateful , don't rant on about how tough we might think we have it and consider if there is anything we can do to help .

If nothing else all this has made me think and reassess what's really important in my own circumstances..If not following AFL , no car racing , no big get togethers or being able to go out for tea or going long distances etc is high priority then it's a small price to pay personally IMO even if I have to incessantly wipe , spray disinfect all day long at work .
We're doing ok thanks Roddy, our household went into self induced semi-isolation from Tuesday morning only venturing out for essential activities like work and basic shopping in off peak times.
We actually sat down as a family for the first time in God knows how long and had lunch together today, bacon and eggs cooked on the Weber.

My Wife's employer has gone into full lock down so only employee's can go in or out, 2 of my kids work in fast food and with restaurant dining closing their hours have been reduced, my Daughter recently landed a job in the healthcare industry but unfortunately due to current developments her training has been postponed so she's having to manage on her reduced hours in her current job, the positive is though, that she's having less outside contact and isn't going anywhere to require extra cash at the moment.
My eldest son recently landed a job with a bank in their call centre and although still in training, is flat out with calls from customers needing help, he's been fast tracked as a result and is loving it.

I finished up yesterday, 2 weeks ahead of our usual shutdown for holidays, however, with SA Schools closing down a week early I was only looking at 1 week loss, then by the time I did my final drop off yesterday there we're no kids left on my run so i'd have been out of a job yesterday regardless, another 4 drivers found themselves in the same boat yesterday afternoon, ironic really.

On a personal positive note, the Governments lifeline to small business has given my employer hope and so they're going to keep the doors open for now to see what happens and I've negotiated with them to keep my position open in case they return to trading when we get a better picture of what the future brings.
I put in an expression of interest with Woolworths yesterday as they're looking to take on quite a few people in various positions, so a job driving one of their trucks would be a good alternative if it comes to it.

I didn't really want to walk away as I love the job but with a Wife working in aged care and our school aged children already withdrawn from school it was a decision to limit her exposure and in turn, the people she provides for and we felt it was worthwhile.
Not much point having our kids out of the school environment if im driving other people's kids around twice a day.
I actually had someone say to me that I was only walking away so I could claim the Governments welfare money, he soon backtracked when I explained that my Wife earns more than the jobseeker threshold allows and so i'd be able to claim the grand total of **** all.

Moving outside of our home environment, I've actually noticed some positives coming through amongst the punters on the street, people are actually respecting peoples space and accommodating one another.
As someone said on the radio yesterday, when this is all over people will actually appreciate the things which we've taken for granted for so long.

Stay safe and healthy guys.
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