Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 31-03-2020, 02:11 PM   #950
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by .:4:. View Post
After hearing my mums thoughts on the current limitations and how most her friends are over 70 so are now house bound. My mum is under 70 so can still take herself for walks and such, but nothing social. I decided to call my ex wifes mum to just see how my kid is copping with the remote learning and not being able to see his mates etc. My kids fine, hes of the generation who consider google a friend. My ex mother in law is sort of blowing up that she is fine but as shes in early 70s cant leave the house. I actually spoke to her for a while about this and that. We still get along fine, but i kind of got the impression that the phone ringing was ine of the most exciting things to happen that day. So you kind of have to look after your old ones so they stay sane i guess. So i called my mum and asked if she could go over to visit my ex mother in law and kid for a cuppa or something, they are still friends, but maybe take something to change things up a bit. That actually got my mum excited as now she had something to do, she had a heap of lemons, so she has baked a lemon tart.
What's the address?

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