Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 04-04-2020, 04:31 PM   #1110
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by roddy1960 View Post
I can honestly say I haven't met anybody yet who doesn't care..Possible exception is little kids ,and only because they just don't comprehend it . My point is ...keep it simple . don't flood us with never ending facts and warnings because IMO that'll cause the sensory overload and the attitude in the finish that it's it all getting a bit much to pay any attention and switch off altogether. Not yet of course but what if this bombardment of stuff goes on for six months or more.? It's got to be handled with a lot of care and attention to prolonged periods of the inability to have something like a bit of normality . Can you see my long term concern in that regard ?
I get where you're coming from Roddy, but its up to the individual how much they let in.
From my own perspective I was captivated by it to a certain degree, in the beginning I was watching every announcement made and the Fox COVID channel was on constantly, I've since toned it down a bit as much of it is either irrelevant to my part of the country or the same old stuff on a loop.
My Wife was over it after a week, every time she saw the COVID channel on she'd roll her eyes and walk out of the room.
I guess that's the beauty of choice, for those who want to keep up 24/7 theres a dedicated channel and for those who don't you just switch off, its easier with Fox, especially since they've opened up all their channels for no extra cost.
I think so long as someone in you're close knit group is keeping up to date with the changes which have certainly slowed down in the last week or so, then you can keep informed without the saturation.
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