Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 08-04-2020, 07:46 PM   #1281
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by smoo View Post
The idea is that it exposes the risk. The risk to accident and injury. That will see both parties interact with each other following a incident, emergency services have to deal with you, you may take up valuable space and resources at hospital that is otherwise reserved for this pandemic that was suppose to overwhelm the health sector (fake news). Increasing the likelyhood of more people being infected.

And even if it was around the block. Human nature will see those boundaries pushed. Around the block ends up been around the next block or next suburb, and soon enough everyone is driving around the streets.
That is what I said is the only thing I can think of. But I have yet to see that in official messaging. So rather than say don't do it because it is bad, push that message.

For the record I am not out joy riding. In normal times I like to take a longer route on the way to do things that are now deemed to be essential on occasion, usually on a weekend.

Work and back and food these days. I have a home gym so don't need to go out for exercise.
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