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Old 11-04-2020, 01:41 PM   #3090
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Originally Posted by oldel View Post
Was t one of those baumr ebay saws? If so mine was like that: no expectations but the thing just goes like a decent brand one.
Nah, it was the cheapest one bunnings sold. So a 12 inch bar, 35cc homelite. I just bought its 2nd new chain this morning. Its seen way more action then i expected. Been handed over the fence to neighbors. The whole over the fence question 'did you buy a chainsaw?' . I cut the meaningless conversation and say do you want to borrow it, or if its one of the old ladies, just trim their trees because im good like that. Realistically, if you tally up the 2 bottles of bar lube its used @ $12 per bottle, the 2 chains its used at $35 each and the fuel its used, its getting close to the $119 i paid for the thing. It was only supposed to trim a few limbs off small trees at my place because i got sick of doing it with a hand saw. But it didnt crap out as expected. The stupid thing has cut up a monster gum tree limb that levelled the shed of people 2 doors up, taken down a 10m limb off my neighbors tree, cut up a fallen tree blocking the driveway to my neighbors work. Dunno, i must have got the best of a bad bunch. Still hate the stupid thing.
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