Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 11-04-2020, 08:33 PM   #1421
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by wodahs View Post
i didnt say it was an exception or a rule but again try telling that to their parents
im not saying any of this is right or wrong but how many here complaining bout their rights would be as loud if not more so if it was some one close to them that died young or old
all these experts on here and still no cure to this virus
People would do well to stop holding arrogant assumptions that I/we have not experienced loss in my/our lives.

The difference between me and the 'do-gooders' all too happy to throw others civil liberties down the toilet is that I don't hold an overinflated view of the worth of my own life or my families lives as living humans on this planet. There's 7,800,000,000 people on this planet and the FOUR of us from my family aren't special.

The cycle of life means that my parents, my sister and myself have been born on this planet on particular days and we've got a period of time until we all check out permanently.

Whether its because of old age or things outside of my/our control - it is what it is, we're all going to die some day.

Whether its a car accident, abusing my health, taking risks or just I got old and crapped out, its inevitable.

My Nonna who is 89 summed it up pretty well a couple of weeks ago over the phone - she said she has to die someday and that people should still be allowed to go about their business.

My observations about Australia and Australians in general is they cant handle others who value their freedom, which doesn't surprise me as the country was founded as a prison colony - convicts, can't live without someone else telling them what to do.

A nation of boot lickers that lacks initiative and free will, always requiring big brother to guide the way, such an apathetic group of humans who are so disengaged with politics in this country but then on the other hand are whinging about the calibre of our politicians.

Can't live their lives without Government intervention, the Government has to allow if you can do something or being looked up to for instruction 24/7, 'they shouldn't be allowed to do that!' everyone is too busy worrying about trying to control other peoples lives, whether its dash cam videos and people putting their 2 cents in, conversation on here across a broad range of topics there's always someone who can't handle free conversation without getting offended or demanding someone should do something.

This culture that's suddenly come to the surface of people dobbing on others for suspicions of breaking COVID-19 restrictions are the same kind of people who would have dobbed on other families hiding Jews in Nazi Germany in WWII - remember they were just 'following orders' too and look where that come out in the timeline of recent history.

You've sold out over a million of your own people, sent them to the unemployment line and on tax payer funded benefits that future generations are going to be footing the bill for generations.

If people had self awareness they should be ashamed of themselves for the monumental damage they've caused politically, socially and economically.
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