Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 13-04-2020, 11:39 AM   #1574
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by roddy1960 View Post
Again I'm mentioning what some people much more informed than us are suggesting heavy lockdown may or may not be the overall best outcome of all this.

I am just bewildered by it all . I'm not alone . All I'm saying is that as we've never been through this actual virus before so there is no clear course action that anybody can refer to yet . That's a no brainer too . Only time will tell which method or combination of methods is the best for all .

Please don't dismiss out of hand (not just you , all of us ) alternative opinions because there is growing opinion that very careful and well organised relaxing of isolation could end up being the overall best outcome . They could be wrong too of course .

Seeing as none of us have a crystal ball to see the future for sure it's definitely a suck it and see approach at the minute .All we're doing in Australia and NZ is 'trying' to limit the initial outbreaks to not over ride our health care systems . That seems to be working but whether it's ultimately the best thing ...who knows . Sweden is doing it a lot differently , so is Germany in many ways .
Agree, that this is unknown territory. The one advantage here and in NZ is that there is a good chance that we can try to suppress infections and wait and see what happens elsewhere to chart the best way forward

Best case is that people build up long term immunity and / or a vaccine is found

Worst case is that immunity is short term and no vaccine is found... and it becomes seasonal.
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