Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 16-04-2020, 09:55 PM   #1727
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Lets not forget, it wasn't until the Bondi Beach incident that Govco started tightening the screws and then a week later we see St Kilda put on its own show despite the fallout of Bondi, the writing was on the wall but people still pushed the boundaries.
There's no doubt the Vic Police in particular have been on a mission, but from the outside looking in it would appear as though they we're just pushing back with authority and have now been asked to show some discretion.

You only have to take notice of many of the questions asked of what can and cant be done through various platforms to see that people still don't want to accept the reality of it and are still looking to find loopholes or test the measures.

As Cyber alluded to, just suck it up, let it runs its course and we'll all be back sledging each other at the footy or in the parity thread in no time.
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