Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 25-04-2020, 12:25 PM   #2214
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by cs123 View Post
An exponential decay in maths terms will never cross the zero axis??
But this isn't theoretical mathematics, it's data analysis. His fits are curve smoothing not curve generation. If the real data produces no new cases then cases are zero.

If your aim is to eradicate the virus entirely in australia (for example) you have to achieve that through real world action.

Modelling predicts what might happen. Data analysis examines what has happened, and the data presentation makes understanding it easier. None of these drive reality.

Regarding Sweden, I'm not sure you understand the premise of their actions. They contend that other countries will get subsequent waves of virus, that public disobedience will increase and that overall others will see higher death rates. Others disagree. It is far too early to say if they are right or wrong.

What is more important ? that fewer people die this week or fewer people die overall ?
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