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Old 12-08-2020, 04:11 PM   #3284
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Hmmmm. Before my escapedes yesterday with the boy, the chargers for my phone are usb c, his tablet takes micro usb, i was speaking to my mum and she asked if i could get her another charger cord. The smoke shop only do usb c and lightning. But woolies had nice energizer micro usb cables on special. The ones with the nylon around the cable. So i bought my kid 2 x 6 footers for $14 a peice and my mum a 4 footer for $10.50. The power points at nanas house where my kid lives are few and far between, my mums place is modern. So logic.
At dinner last night, mum was happy i got her a new cable. For some reason its bamboozling to get the right cable for an old lady. And she asked if you could use it to get photos off your phone and onto the computater. Yes you can, so she asked if i could get one for her boyfriend. So i did. But today they werent on special. Whatever, $15 is $15.
As we all know, you can never have too many phone chargers. The only time you buy them is out of frustration when all your other ones crap out. Fact.
The only reason my kid didnt have a charger cord is his mums last one crapped out, and she took his and put an adapter on it to usb c for her phone. So she called me today blowing up that i got her a new cable. Dunno why. We only speak when its strictly business. She calmed her farm real quick when i said i was buying anyways and theyre cheap. She too goes spaz when it comes to what cable fits what.
Its not me being nice to her, its just cheaper to do that then deal with my kid being upset when his mum comandeers his ****.
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