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Old 25-08-2022, 12:34 PM   #10
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
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Default Re: Office and work area

Now im talking probably well out of the realm of financial viability. But there are companies that purely offer serviced offices. Small businesses that do not need a full office space rent just an office. So multiple small companies in their own rooms, communal kitchen, photocopier etc. If you need a meeting room for whatever reason you just rent one for the time required.
All the places like that ive done work for supply inteweb connection. So theres a few options if you chose to pay, like cleaners, if you dont have a receptionist, you can use theres to forward calls or take messages, if you dont want to supply furniture often they can. But its only really financially viable if youre running a small business and turning a profit.
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