Thread: Work goals
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Old 04-04-2023, 02:30 PM   #42
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Work goals

Just need all the help that am able to get to buy own space, feel it’s time and trying to hang on until arm able to buy rather than pay same amount in rent if you can even find something and not be able to do what you want.

Just waiting until am able to buy own space and some days am wondering if there’s even hope, how do you get help and assistance to come up with deposit and cover costs

How do you be as well off as your boss with her apartment she bought probably outright to stay in or at least the deposit or as well off as her nephew without working 8 days a week or no sleep and work all night.

Think the nephew found it easy because the automotive industry pays more than hospitality which can understand why so many gave notice in last few years or his old boss owed a fortune in unpaid wages, it’s hard to say but may be everything.

Most would accept when it’s time and rent if they have to but some like me want to buy and won’t do anything until we are able to buy
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