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Old 26-08-2023, 02:39 PM   #37
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Default Re: Road safety experts propose levy on large SUVs in city to curb rising Victorian road deaths

Originally Posted by prydey View Post

On my work commute I'm surrounded by vehicles of all different shapes and sizes. Trucks, buses, vans, trade vehicles, utes, suvs, passenger cars etc etc. Hardly worth getting upset over. Making assumptions as to how the vehicle is used or why it's bought is just getting you ready for an early retirement underground.
Arent we all. So you dont mind the relatively slow driver driving in the right hand lane simply becasue its the best place to drive, that's were they want to drive and bugger the rest of you.
If you choose to drive a slower heavier vehicle, especially one that blocks the view ahead, or simply choose to drive relatively slow becauase you have all the time in the world, then the rule (written and unwritten) is to keep left and dont be an inconvenience to all the other vehicles. Just beacuse the speed limit is 70 doesn't mean you can plonk yourself in the right hand lane and travel 70 all the way. It gives you the legal right, but its not the right thing to do. The worst is being an inconvenience when you are the only two vehicles on the road. In a long steam of traffic you are inconveniencing multiple vehicles, not just the one behind you.
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