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Old 03-05-2006, 01:59 PM   #195
Audi S3
Join Date: May 2005
Location: Sydney.
Posts: 8,307

Originally Posted by The Dok
I know it's really of no particular advantage to the AU owners, but given the amount of interest the projector installation in the AU has generated, + the (better than expected) improved light emission, I'm going to do this mod on the BA (XR) headlight (using my own vehicle this time) to try to emulate the output of the AU projector set-up. So as the saying goes "watch this thread". That's not to say I have lost interest in the AU set-up (far from it actually), but after the end of this month (due mainly to time constraints), I will focus more on the BA mod as it should be an easier conversion than the AU, but not without it's difficulties either. Unfortunately, we don't have a dedicated "BA" section on AFF (yet), so I hope it's ok (for the time being) that I hi-jack (divert) my own thread just a little.
could be intersting for the old man's BA :
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