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Old 19-05-2006, 06:18 PM   #50
Fantastic Plastic
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these officers and stuff giving you grief - you were just in the wrong place at the wrong time - its their job (normal police should have nothing to do with cars/roads imo , should be just vic rd's handling it !)- they have a monthly fine quota to fill and it's all about revenue raising ! ... Gee i've even gotten canary's in the past for 'so called' bald tyres - when my tyres had like 85 to 90 % tred on them ! , just a cop in a bad mood cos he couldn't find anything wrong with the car and was looking to lay a fine. And roadworthy or not , once the cop has his word then its your word against theirs ! , it's basically 'pay up and shut up' as far as they are concerned.

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