Thread: USA Riots
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Old 02-06-2020, 10:57 PM   #72
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: USA Riots

Originally Posted by T3rminator View Post
Fair point. Hence why there are so many white americans backing up the protest. All I'm saying is, the anger comes from a very deep rooted cause, whether we like it or not. So when people ask "why isn't there an outrage when a white person is killed by a cop in the US", they need to look deeper than just that actual act itself.
I'm calling bull**** on the whole racism angle of the police, it's not just black people who have fell victim to their ridiculous law enforcement.

Looking at the numbers there are way more white people who end up shot and killed by police in the USA - though black people are overrepresented.

Black people make up 1/8th of their population but are responsible for around 50% of the USA's murders - most of their victims are other black people.

If people want to keep viewing everything through the concept of 'race' then it'll never end, people identify as different then it's making it easier to justify hatred towards them.

There's also racism in the form of low expectations - while the left preaches diversity they are very willing to identify minority groups as 'other' and hold them to low expectations or intervene in order to 'save them'.

If 'black lives matter' then when are they going to address black on black violence?

There was an Asian cop who stood around while George Floyd was being suffocated.

Was a black cop who shot that Australian woman.

Mexican cop shot Philando Castille (black man)

White cop shot Daniel Shaver (white man)

Is the problem 'racism' or is a cultural problem with their law enforcement? That's a pretty multicultural example of police shootings.

I'm all for protesting, I support anyone's right to peacefully stand up for their beliefs no matter how inane I think the subject is, I don't support violence or looting, it just undermines the message and you are playing on a level where the government has you beat. I think the moment you pick up weapons you've lost, you're suddenly fighting on a governments terms depending on how they intervene.

I find the USA's race politics fascinating.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 02-06-2020 at 11:04 PM.
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