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Old 03-03-2006, 07:51 AM   #1
Luke Plaizier
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Default XR5T - Variable Weight Steering

I just downloaded and watched the UK Top Gear review of the Ford Focus ST - which will be landing in Australia as the XR5T. They gave it a glowing review, even if they mocked the bright-orange colour.

It wasn't as quick in a straight line as the Vauxhal Astra VXR (The car coming out here via HSV) but commented that the VXR torque-steered like a pig, and didn't handle as well, and would probably land you around a telepgraph pole before you had a chance to brag about it.

Of interest to me, however, was the electronically-variable weight on the steering.

It occured to me that this has been one major ctricism of the BA-BF Falcon - and was wondering if this technology (like the control blade IRS) might be a direct transfer to whatever comes up in 2006/2007?

And for those interested, it's in episode 3 of the 2005 season (Season 7). Just search for Top Gear on www.isohunt.com....


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