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Old 22-05-2007, 10:30 PM   #1
Ef Fairmont
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Post Faced court today for my driving offence plus possesion...

As in another thread I got my car impounded for a burnout (http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthread.php?t=97774 for more details) and today I went to court.

Got a good behaviour bond for carrying 1.8grams of canabis in the car (Stupid mistake, actually forgot it was there) and 400 dollar fine for carrying out a burnout...

My solicitor went up for me and went on about "Clearly out of character, has no other driving record. He's studying network administation and has worked for Mobile Computers here in Taree and is highly recommended. He took part in some spirited acceleration and is truely remorseful and glad noone was hurt".

Judge gave me a lecture, but I got off very lightly considering. My solicitor said I'd possably get 500 - 600 dollars for the possesion and up to 600 dollars for the burnout. - Maybe he just said that so he looked better at the end of the day, but anyway.

Now please dont contaminate this thread with "Hope you've learnt your lesson, you're an idiot". I've heard it from almost every member here and I've dealt with it already. I need no more advice, or I think my head will explode :P

Overall it was an expensive 15seconds.

One thing that got me though wes how over exagerated the police report was. They claimed I did a U turn (I didn't, I turned onto the road), claimed I sustained loss of traction for atleast 60meters (Try 30) and claimed they could hear tire noise (when they were 3 townsized blocks behind me, inside a car, and it was wet...)

Was going to plead not guilty for the burnout because all the facts were wrong to begin with, but I wanted to end it then and there. And at the end of the day I did do something similar, even if it was at half the scale of the police report.

I also got my car back. Alot closer than the court date, because it was rego'd in mother's name and I was told to write a letter to the Senior Commander of the area by an officer at the station the night it got impounded - Had it back in 4 days instead of three months. Still, it hasn't been driven much since, it's parked around the back and been stripped for a clean up.

I appreciate keeping my car tidy now :P Anyway, I'm going to wind this up because noone will bother reading it otherwise!

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Old 22-05-2007, 10:47 PM   #2
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Too bad the cops actually showed. Similar thing has happened to my brother twice and the cops just don't show up, and the case is dismissed.

I'm glad you've (hopefully) learnt your lesson in a fairly harmless manner and no one was hurt.
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Old 22-05-2007, 10:49 PM   #3
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The law in its current state is an a$$. That's all I am going to say on this.
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Old 22-05-2007, 10:53 PM   #4
Ef Fairmont
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Originally Posted by charles_wif_xf
The law in its current state is an a$$. That's all I am going to say on this.
Agreed... I should have been let off _on the night_ with an warning...
But I can see some upsides - atleast my car wont have the *** flogged out of it anymore No more ratteling diff noises or risking my auto box...

Last edited by volcom20; 22-05-2007 at 10:59 PM.
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Old 22-05-2007, 10:51 PM   #5
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Your posts do puzzle me, TMI.....
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:05 PM   #6
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:16 PM   #7
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Old 23-05-2007, 04:03 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by NudgE^SIKBRO
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:06 PM   #9
Ef Fairmont
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Hrm, great guys. Let's not turn this into a "The current law" debate. It'll just get my thread closed and I'll be ****ed... Again...

This has nothing to do with the police, the laws the enforce or they way they go about it. All that is stated here are the current repecusions of the law, which anyone, even you can be charged for if you do the silly things I done - there's no disputing that. That's just the way it is. Want a change? Vote for another government.
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:08 PM   #10
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Can you explain why you felt the need to post this? Im struggling to see how it benefits the forums.
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:10 PM   #11
Ef Fairmont
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Originally Posted by Polyal
Can you explain why you felt the need to post this? Im struggling to see how it benefits the forums.
To show the costs and penilties for a first offence. Handed down by the court, not your local police man?

I dont know, is the fact that I also felt like it ok? Or not?
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Old 23-05-2007, 08:48 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by Polyal
Can you explain why you felt the need to post this? Im struggling to see how it benefits the forums.
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:09 PM   #13
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1.8 grams of weed, hey........that is a serious amount of drugs! Why do they even bother charging anyone for something so petty? Meanwhile in Kings Cross, the NSW Government funds a building for junkies to the tune of a couple of million $$$ a year to shoot up herion, speed or anything else they can get into a syringe (and they even give them the syringe!!).
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:12 PM   #14
Ef Fairmont
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Originally Posted by PHATXR8
1.8 grams of weed, hey........that is a serious amount of drugs! Why do they even bother charging anyone for something so petty? Meanwhile in Kings Cross, the NSW Government funds a building for junkies to the tune of a couple of million $$$ a year to shoot up herion, speed or anything else they can get into a syringe (and they even give them the syringe!!).
I believe you're refering to the Methadon program, and I dont think they allow anyone to shoot up anything else there... Possably, but I thought the idea was to offer free methadon to get junkies off thier speed/ice/heroin...
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Old 23-05-2007, 08:05 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by volcom20
I believe you're refering to the Methadon program, and I dont think they allow anyone to shoot up anything else there... Possably, but I thought the idea was to offer free methadon to get junkies off thier speed/ice/heroin...
Nah, he is talking about a legal injecting room where junkies are legally allowed to go and shoot whatever drugs (mostly heroin) up their arms in the safety of trained medical staff. Its pathetic!! Methadon program has been around for years and its just as bad. The only good thing is it stops junkies robbing people to pay for drugs, they just get it free, albeit they're still as drugged up out of their minds. Anyway back on topic.

Tough break really, you should of just been given a warning, copper must of been having a bad day.
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Old 25-05-2007, 07:56 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by PHATXR8
1.8 grams of weed, hey........that is a serious amount of drugs! Why do they even bother charging anyone for something so petty? Meanwhile in Kings Cross, the NSW Government funds a building for junkies to the tune of a couple of million $$$ a year to shoot up herion, speed or anything else they can get into a syringe (and they even give them the syringe!!).
There is a dial a sringe number in Melbourne! Disgusting. My wife's an Emergency Nurse and people in the sringe delivery service bragged that they got some to an addict within 15 mins of getting the call.

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Old 22-05-2007, 11:10 PM   #17
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hmm, law system sucks in Oz...

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Old 22-05-2007, 11:11 PM   #18
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:12 PM   #19
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i was invloved with an accident with some fool on a lambreta that didnt have his lights on (early evening,street lights on) so i didnt see him till the last minute and had already cut in front of him, he broke his leg, i was pretty shook up, cops come and ask what happen and write it up for me to sign, i look at it the next day- motorcycle travelling along road, motorcycle lights on...etc, they make it easier for themselves when it went to court, was pretty angry but wa advised it was better to plead guilty because i signed that statement,i had no money to fight it,dispite the fact that i was in shock somewhat and not thinking properly when i signed it. pricks,cost me alot of money and lost 4 points if i recall.
I'd say they were doig the same, making it more of a case.even if it involved stretching the truth a little, oh and "Hope you've learnt your lesson"
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Old 22-05-2007, 11:18 PM   #20
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You are able to dispute the Statement of Facts if you believe they are not correct as far as I'm aware. My brother has done that plenty of times.
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Old 23-05-2007, 12:06 AM   #21
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Simular thing happened to me, No doubt I did a small burn out (no smoke or marks), maybe 10 meters around a corner, but the cops statement was so false it wasn't funny. His statement was along the lines of revved up engine, then sped around the corner causing the rear wheels to spin for about 100 meters that it caused so much smoke it obscured his vision.
I had three people in the car with me, and my brother was also in his car behind me. We all wrote up our statements, I took photos of the said corner which had no burn out marks what so ever, and refused to sign the cops statement. After seeing two lawyers I was convinced just to plead guilt.
Come court day I spoke to the cop that wrote the statement and explained the statements I had collected and the photo evident I took. He then changed his statement to what actually happened, "I accelerated quickly around the corner causing the rear wheel to squeal."
After his statement read correct I was happy to plead guilt to careless driving.
I would never dispute what I did, but the fact that I had to waste a day of work at court and pay my lawyer $500 because of a cops fictional statement ****es me off.
It makes you wonder a bit what right you actually do have.
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Old 23-05-2007, 07:57 AM   #22
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As far as I'm concerned, you got what you deserved.
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Old 23-05-2007, 10:14 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by mustang70
i was invloved with an accident with some fool on a lambreta that didnt have his lights on (early evening,street lights on) so i didnt see him till the last minute and had already cut in front of him, he broke his leg, i was pretty shook up, cops come and ask what happen and write it up for me to sign, i look at it the next day- motorcycle travelling along road, motorcycle lights on...etc, they make it easier for themselves when it went to court, was pretty angry but wa advised it was better to plead guilty because i signed that statement,i had no money to fight it,dispite the fact that i was in shock somewhat and not thinking properly when i signed it. pricks,cost me alot of money and lost 4 points if i recall.
I'd say they were doig the same, making it more of a case.even if it involved stretching the truth a little, oh and "Hope you've learnt your lesson"
NEVER sign anything without carefully reading it a couple of times. a lot of people tend to sign their life away. i'll sit there and read through the whole thing twice if i have to, i don't care if it's taking up their time or not.
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Old 23-05-2007, 10:50 AM   #24
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Bloody hell mate, if the cops find us with weed here in SA, they smoke it with you...
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Old 23-05-2007, 02:05 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Wokkas
Bloody hell mate, if the cops find us with weed here in SA, they smoke it with you...
Just got a flashback from Super Troopers....

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Old 23-05-2007, 05:52 PM   #26
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Littering and.....? :hihi:

Originally Posted by TonkoXR8
Just got a flashback from Super Troopers....
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Old 23-05-2007, 04:14 PM   #27
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Haha good job,were you expecting sympathy or something.I cant believe this sort of crap gets onto the forums,Sucked in for getting caught!!! : :
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Old 23-05-2007, 10:36 PM   #28
Ef Fairmont
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Originally Posted by AUTickford
Haha good job,were you expecting sympathy or something.I cant believe this sort of crap gets onto the forums,Sucked in for getting caught!!! : :
Sympathy? Hell no. I dont want "awww, too bad man... unlucky". Hrm, I wont resort to name calling. If anything I'm just telling others what the go was.

*Is finding it very hard not to crack up...*
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Old 24-05-2007, 09:02 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Wokkas
Bloody hell mate, if the cops find us with weed here in SA, they smoke it with you...

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Old 23-05-2007, 04:51 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by EB 2 XR8

I think youl find he was joking.......

All cops are idiots are they?
I suspect someone has a chip on there shoulder and wants to blame it on those meany's called the police :baby bott
Have you ever reflected on your actions? or is it all the policemans fault.......

Last edited by plext; 23-05-2007 at 06:18 PM.
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