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Old 05-11-2009, 10:59 AM   #1
Bear with a sore head
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Default Moving to Townsville

Hi guys,

At this moment in time, we are 99% certain that we will be moving to Towsville very early in the new year. This has come about for a few reasons, but primarily due to the employment opportunities for both myself and my wife. The lifestyle is also a big part of it, we both love the warm tropical climate.

I have the Real Estate agent coming over today, and he has informed me that He already has some buyers in mind. I've been looking into rental properties ( we plan on renting for a year and then building) and found that the most likely areas that we would live in for the type of house and price we're looking at paying for rent would be in the suburbs of Annandale, Aitkenvale, Kirwin etc.

The school we're looking at sending the Children too is Townsville Grammar, as they currently go to Pulteny Grammar, we want to send them to the best school available. Since the Young one will start school in 2011, the primary school campus is located in Annandale, hence that area is probably the most desirable to live in.

We havn't actually been to Townsville yet, and I'm not sure whether we will even be able to go up and have a look at it before we move. Call it a risk to move to a place you've never been to before, but from the research I've done, and the poeple I have spoken to, I'm lead to believe that it's a very nice place.

It looks like I've benn able to tee myself up with some work already, which is something I havn't been successful at doing in Adelaide, and they're even happy to wait a few months for me to move up and get settled before starting me. We just have to wait for my wife's transfer to happen and it will be all good.

So for anyone that's lived in, or currently resides in Townsville, is there anything else that I might need to know about? I'm told that it's a relatively safe city with a low percentage of housing trust areas. I'm looking at avoiding the dodgy suburbs, hence why renting and getting to know the place before beuilding/buying is our best bet IMO.

Other than that, I guess there's the Townsville 400 to look forward to in place of the Clipsal 500 which we go to every year. I was told there's a drag strip too but I'm not 100% sure. If so, is it a full 1/4 mile strip or just an 1/8 mile? That will definitely be another bonus about getting out of this state, if we can regularly participate in street meets without having to travel across the border to Vic.

Thanks in advance for any help/advice


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Old 05-11-2009, 11:03 AM   #2
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This is a good site to check out rentals and prices.
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Old 05-11-2009, 11:46 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by myxr6
This is a good site to check out rentals and prices.
Thanks mate, yes I've checked that out already, that's where I got the ideas of price/suburbs etc.
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Old 05-11-2009, 11:05 AM   #4
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All my mates live up there with the army. Towny is truely a garrison town. Army perse everywhere.

Winter (aka Dry season) they say is awesome.

Wet season is terrible aparently

I went up last year and was so suprised at the amount of army personel up there.

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Old 05-11-2009, 11:07 AM   #5
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Yeah mate there is a drag strip. Been there a few times!

Umm, as for Townsville itself...it's very spread out and very industrial oh and dry!

There is a huge army base there too, so a lot of young cashed up military boys getting around.

Not overly sure on suburbs, but places like Kirwin are pretty old...mainly old queenslander type houses...There are new suburbs on the outskirts.

Pretty easy city to navigate around...Umm...The strand is top notch.

I personally wouldn't live there....I'd come the extra 400km and live in Cairns.

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Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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Old 05-11-2009, 12:03 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by XR6_661
Yeah mate there is a drag strip. Been there a few times!

Umm, as for Townsville itself...it's very spread out and very industrial oh and dry!

There is a huge army base there too, so a lot of young cashed up military boys getting around.

Not overly sure on suburbs, but places like Kirwin are pretty old...mainly old queenslander type houses...There are new suburbs on the outskirts.

Pretty easy city to navigate around...Umm...The strand is top notch.

I personally wouldn't live there....I'd come the extra 400km and live in Cairns.
How's it employment wise over in Cairns? From what I've been told Cairns is nice but it's more touristy (is that a word?) and Townsville is better to live with more opportunites etc. Most of the big industries and Government offices (where my wife can get a transfer) for North Queensland are based in Townsville. Townsville is also more central to the mining indstry and probably clower/easier to access.
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Old 05-11-2009, 12:36 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cobra
How's it employment wise over in Cairns? From what I've been told Cairns is nice but it's more touristy (is that a word?) and Townsville is better to live with more opportunites etc. Most of the big industries and Government offices (where my wife can get a transfer) for North Queensland are based in Townsville. Townsville is also more central to the mining indstry and probably clower/easier to access.
Pretty much hit the nail on the head.

If you worked in Tourism, plenty of opportunities up this way...Aside from that not much else. A much much nicer city than Tville in my opinion.
Definatly worth a visit when you are up in FNQ. Also Cairns has a very laid back lifestyle about the place...Not much of a car scene up here though.

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Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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Old 05-11-2009, 11:47 AM   #8
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Townsville has grown a great deal over the years with many new houses going up along with good access roads in and out. Plenty of restraurants (spelling) and things to do with the family. Strand, Magnetic Island, fishing, boating,water parks, lakes, gardens, shopping centers, well build go cart track and club. The list goes on. In the eight years since we left, it has it has true expanded for the better. You should not be disappointed. We do travel back there to visit family and get the T's serviced and repaired. We miss it a great deal.

Oh. Did anyone mention the V8's that are holding an event there each year now? See you there next year?
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Old 05-11-2009, 12:06 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by J.C.
Townsville has grown a great deal over the years with many new houses going up along with good access roads in and out. Plenty of restraurants (spelling) and things to do with the family. Strand, Magnetic Island, fishing, boating,water parks, lakes, gardens, shopping centers, well build go cart track and club. The list goes on. In the eight years since we left, it has it has true expanded for the better. You should not be disappointed. We do travel back there to visit family and get the T's serviced and repaired. We miss it a great deal.

Oh. Did anyone mention the V8's that are holding an event there each year now? See you there next year?
Sounds good!

Yeah someone mentioned the V8s, it was me! As for catching up? Absolutely! And that goes for any member who lives up where, as it was be great to make a few friends in a new city which we don't know anyone.
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Old 05-11-2009, 01:20 PM   #10
Walt Kowalski
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Originally Posted by Cobra
Hi guys,

we both love the warm tropical climate.

Annandale, Aitkenvale, Kirwin etc.

Townsville Grammar,

is it a full 1/4 mile strip


You are game arriving in January. wet humid season. Try Crystal Creek and the lesser known Little Crystal Creek on hot days.

Once you get used to the summer humidity you are gunna love it.

After 10 years if you have not gone troppo from the humiidity you will become biased like all Townvillians who think they live in the best place anywhere. But most never leave the district.

Cairns is a dump.

Tsv Grammar is good but I have been hearing awesome things about Calvary which got a strict South African Headmaster (old school) a couple of years ago.

He is apparently making huge improvements to the kids. I would send my kids there if you are old school.

Those suburbs are good to live in.

I would rate them
1 Kirwan for convenience to River and Shopping
2 Annandale for proximity to Uni and Hospital

Car stuff
Performance Ford Club
Quarter mile strip
Awesome Kart track
2 Car clubs
One runs sprints on the Kart track - Saw a Superbird from Cairns there last time I was there
The other Club runs a Hillclimb and Tarmac Rally.

Whatever you do visit Magnetic Island and do the Tropicana stretched Jeep trip. Not cheap but worth EVERY cent. You will never forget it. Unbelievably good day.

Townsville is a great place to live. A good mate got the sack from his radio station recently and the whole town supported him. The Radio Station board ended up getting the sack. Its that sort of place.

I forgot to mention Cairns Vs Townsville is bigger than Turbo Vs Boss or Holden Vs Ford!!!

You watch those Cairns busters come out now.

Last edited by Walt Kowalski; 05-11-2009 at 01:30 PM.
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Old 05-11-2009, 01:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Walt Kowalski

You are game arriving in January. wet humid season. Try Crystal Creek and the lesser known Little Crystal Creek on hot days.

Once you get used to the summer humidity you are gunna love it.

After 10 years if you have not gone troppo from the humiidity you will become biased like all Townvillians who think they live in the best place anywhere. But most never leave the district.

Cairns is a dump.

Tsv Grammar is good but I have been hearing awesome things about Calvary which got a strict South African Headmaster (old school) a couple of years ago.

He is apparently makeing huge improvements to the kids. I would send my kids there if you are old school.

Those suburbs are good to live in.

I would rate them
1 Kirwan for convenience to River and Shopping
2 Annandale for proximity to Uni and Hospital

Car stuff
Performance Ford Club
Quarter mile strip
Awesome Kart track
2 Car clubs
One runs sprints on the Kart track- Saw a Superbird there last time I was there
The other Club runs a Hillclimb and Tarmac Rally.

Whatever you do visit Magnetic Island and do the Tropicana stretched Jeep trip

You will never forget it. Unbelievably good day.

Townsville is a great place to live. A good mate got the sack from his radio station recently and the whole town supported him. The board got the sack. Its that sort of place.
Thanks for the great advice pal. Don't worry, I'm someone who likes to take full advantage of the local industries/attratctions etc. If there's something to be done, I will get around to doing it.

As for the schools, Wikipedia was great for lisiting all the private schools available and we've checked out a few of them online. Whilst Calvary might be a good school, we weren't comfortable with it's strong Christian ethos.
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Old 05-11-2009, 01:42 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Walt Kowalski
I forgot to mention Cairns Vs Townsville is bigger than Turbo Vs Boss or Holden Vs Ford!!!

You watch those Cairns busters come out now.
eh, from cairns eh, what do you mean about cairns eh?

townsville is better than cairns but?
townsville is not a fairy tourist trap but.
cairns is just gold coast by the reef eh, townsville is a real city but....

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Old 05-11-2009, 02:01 PM   #13
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Townsville is not a real city =@

It's a few buildings scattered around a big rock.

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Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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Old 05-11-2009, 03:38 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by XR6_661
Townsville is not a real city =@

It's a few buildings scattered around a big rock.
As opposed to a few buildings scattered around a big swamp NEXT to a big rock.....
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Old 05-11-2009, 04:16 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by flappist
As opposed to a few buildings scattered around a big swamp NEXT to a big rock.....
ha...that is a good one flappist. As a former FNQ resident it is still humorous to me the 'war' between the 'twin northern cities'. They both have good points, and both have bad points.

Frankly cairns is a total tourist slut...but then again, it took that title FROM townsville about 20+years ago so can't really see where townsvillians get off using that as point of contention! And yes the 'swamp' situation (complete with mudflats....) is far from appealing. Things are overpriced ands its run by a bunch of donkeys. At least it has an airport that is half decent (well not right now...upgrades have made it look like a bomb went off there....)

Then again, townsville is basically a military garison on a coastal desert...that rock is like its very own ayres rock. Place is very unappealing to me due to its total lack of character other than what appears to be 10 thousand army uniforms.... then again i never lived there so it might just be the impression i get the few times i was there.

I think the best solution is to live on the beach or in the mountains away from both major centres (or even half way....). Problem then is you really are in the 'boonies'.
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Old 05-11-2009, 02:16 PM   #16
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I've just encountered problem. Since enquiring about a couple of rental properties I've been informed that in order to secure a property someone has to be present to view it, be it either myself, or someone else on my behalf. Since I don't intend on travelling to Townsville before relocating, and not knowing anyone who lives up there, and given other time constraints, this is most inconvenient!
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Old 05-11-2009, 08:14 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by Cobra
I've just encountered problem. Since enquiring about a couple of rental properties I've been informed that in order to secure a property someone has to be present to view it, be it either myself, or someone else on my behalf. Since I don't intend on travelling to Townsville before relocating, and not knowing anyone who lives up there, and given other time constraints, this is most inconvenient!
Same problem for us at the moment, except we're only 200klm down the road.
I'll send you a PM in regards to that issue, as we'll be up there & settled by the end of November.

I have a mate from another forum.... He's a cameraman for a major network in Townsville. Has the scanner on most of the time so has a fair idea of spots to steer clear of.
Some to avoid according to him- Garbutt, Older parts of Condon, Wulguru, Oonomba, older Deeragun, parts of Vincent & Heatley.
You'll get a good idea of what the area is like just by driving around & having a look.

If you don't mind being out of town, newer Deeragun is good and has a Woolworths Shopping complex in the suburb. Bushland Beach is also OK, but is a bit further out. They've improved the road from Bushland a lot, and is dual lane 80-100 most of the way into town.

Good luck!
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Old 05-11-2009, 03:34 PM   #18
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We had the same problem last month when the missus and I moved from Perth to Sunshine Coast.Had the most problems with trying to find a rental that took a cat.

My old man used to own the caravan park in Bohlevale in the 70's.Hidden Valley is a nice quiet spot , went there when my sister and I visited the old man at christmas a couple of times
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Old 05-11-2009, 05:17 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by myxr6
We had the same problem last month when the missus and I moved from Perth to Sunshine Coast.Had the most problems with trying to find a rental that took a cat.

My old man used to own the caravan park in Bohlevale in the 70's.Hidden Valley is a nice quiet spot , went there when my sister and I visited the old man at christmas a couple of times
I've got 2 cats so that could be twice as much of a problem.
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Old 05-11-2009, 07:03 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by myxr6
Hidden Valley is a nice quiet spot , went there when my sister and I visited the old man at christmas a couple of times
Actually Hidden Valley is one place I would second. Only 5 or 10 minutes from Annandale end but you will get 5 acres and its a very nice area. Close to the race track.

Belgian Gardens is good too. Definitely worth checking out. Close to Grammar too.

My previous comments about where to live were based on the 3 suburbs you mentioned.

You should definitely promise yourself a trip in that stretched Jeep with your family.

And i would not be too concerned about what Wikipaedia said.
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Old 05-11-2009, 07:44 PM   #21
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Wikipedia was only in refference to a list of all the school and suburbs. I will take anything on Wikipedia that's presented as fact with a grain of salt.
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Old 05-11-2009, 07:51 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Cobra
Wikipedia was only in refference to a list of all the school and suburbs. I will take anything on Wikipedia that's presented as fact with a grain of salt.
That was clear mate no worries.
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Old 05-11-2009, 08:18 PM   #23
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Mate townsville is alright I was there for 9 years in the army then got out and moved to brisbane.
We are going to move back in the next year or to for the missus as she has all her family up there.
The drag strip did close down for a little bit but they had to reopen it as it is hertige listed as an old WW2 airstrip. They were going to build houses out there. There is a good speedway track for solos and side chairs 40 mins south of townsville if you like speedway.
Car clubs are good I was part of the GT club a regualary did runs and all of the other the clubs joined in or invited each other along.

Townsville is easy to get around, it takes roughly 20 mins from kirwan to the strand as i lived in Kirwan.That is a nice suburb to live.

Hope all goes well.
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Old 05-11-2009, 08:19 PM   #24
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There are areas with a fair few housing commision houses in them but its pretty much split up across town a bloke at work has a house would be worth $500000 and the housing commision brought the house next to him to house large families . Annandale is next to Lavarack Barracks and if you want to get out onto the highway in the morning around 7 it will be difficult its starting to get busy now and if and when all the soldiers are back from overseas it gets dangerous outside the army barrracks . Towards the end of last year I saw 3 accidents in 4 weeks outside the barracks that required ambulances . You wont need to get on the highway to go to grammer school or to town. Our Strand is very nice Palleranda beach is nice just watch out for stingers and occasionaly crocodiles. The weather is nice at the moment sometimes it is humid this time of year, make sure you get a house with air conditioning you may not be able to sleep without it.
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Old 05-11-2009, 09:33 PM   #25
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Thanks for all the advice guys - keep it coming!

I've noticed a lot of land for sale in the suburb of Kelso. Is this subrub any good or a bit dodgy? Land seems cheap, but google maps says it's a fair way out of the city. How long is a general commute from Kelso to the city in peak hour?
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Old 06-11-2009, 10:22 PM   #26
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We lived in Townsville in 1986/1987 at Cranbrook, in a bank managers rental property (dump), when I worked in the bank at Hermit Park.
The humidity was terrible in the summer and it was as dry as a bone most times. The only thing up there then was the casino and Maggy island...everything else was well away from the town itself.
I remember a TV ad from back then saying "come to beautiful Townsville, so much to see and do"...only thing was, you had to drive for an hour or so to get to the good parts or a cruise to the island.
Luckily for me, one of the bank customers owned a wrecking yard, so that kept me entertained for a while.
The only nice place that we found that we'd live in (if we HAD to stay) was North Ward, the rest of the town (away from Castle Hill) looked pretty old and tired apart from Annandale, which was reasonably new then.
Anyway, enough of the good points.....but seriously, we just didn't like Townsville at all, we didn't suit it and it didn't suit us... a lot of unfriendly people (especially when they found out that we came from Brisbane, they seemed to have an instant dislike for anyone south of Rockhampton).
I'll never forget the night that we left to drive back to Brisbane...I said to my wife "have a last look at Townsville in the rear view mirror"...she looked at me and stomped on the accelerator .
From what I've read on here though, things sound like they've changed for the better at last, we were just unlucky to have lived there too long ago it seems.
Good luck with your new venture, hope everything goes well for you and your family.


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Old 09-11-2009, 12:56 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by linz
I'll never forget the night that we left to drive back to Brisbane...I said to my wife "have a last look at Townsville in the rear view mirror"...she looked at me and stomped on the accelerator .
Ha ha. That is hilarious.

We were looking at moving to Ayr a couple of years ago, but due to a couple of issues it didnt happen. My biggest worry was the humidity. As for it being dry up there, you should come and live out here. So far for the year we have had 185mm! Now that is what I call dry.
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Old 05-11-2009, 10:27 PM   #28
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Kelso has some acerage with some very nice houses in places but there are areas with housing commision my eldest used to go to Rassmusen state school and he had a friend sleep over he now goes to Good Sheperd . I dropped his friend home the next day and he asked if people had fights in our street I said no he said they had people fighting every weekend in his street . There is a lot of vacant land in Kelso they are developing and a lot of housing commision houses have been sold .Just depends on what part you are in .As for driving time I am in Rasmussen 15km from town and about 1km from Kelso I used to take 20 odd minutes usually to a about 37 minutes in a car on pushbike I think my best time was about 40 minutes
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Old 06-11-2009, 01:03 PM   #29
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If you are going to stay there for ever I would seriously look at North Ward. Not close to the Grammar Junior school but it is where the senior school is and The Strand is a real draw card. We lived in Mundingburra, Kirwan, Vincent and Annandale. All these suburbs had there good and bad points and really depends on what you like. There are alot of defence homes in Douglas and Annandale so you just need to be aware that your neighbours will change often. If we ever went back (not likely) I would go straight to North Ward.

You may also be aware that January is also a major posting time for defence. Be sure to book hotel accomodation soon if you know dates. I also feel your pain with finding rentals when they want you present. Unfortunately unless you or someone acting on your behalf is there you will find it hard. Maybe you should fly up for a few days to secure a rental property. Especially when alot of defence people are looking for rentals as well.

Good luck on your new adventure and I hope everything turns out for the best.
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Old 06-11-2009, 08:11 PM   #30
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Posts: 849

Cobra, ,

I live in Annandale and have for about 8 years. Its a very good suburb , but the house prices will be higher than that of Kirwan, Cranbrook, etc.

There are NO units in Annandale, and a lot of the newer end is rather expensive making it one of the most desirable suburbs to live in.

Check out the Annandale Primary School on the net. It is fully Air-Con in summer, and a better school than the Grammar School. ( The grammar school cant afford to run the airconditioning in summer ! ! ! Go figure )

Another very good suburb close to annandale is Riverside gardens ( actually called Douglas ) and Fairfeld Waters ( actually called Idalia )

I cant really think of one bad point of Annandale, , maybe its expensive ?

Without offending anyone, ( hope I dont ) - Dont go for Kelso, Condon, Deeragun, Vincent. A lot of lower cost housing, Housing Commission etc. but in saying this there are a lot of newer developments in those areas that are cheap.

If you want any info, feel free to PM me !

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