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Old 01-11-2010, 08:19 PM   #1
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Default My mate just bought a new ssv??? Didnt even drive the gs


A good mate of mine just bought a holden ssv, with absolutely no regard for the gs fpv? Bought it over the weekend, brand spankin new.

Surely brand loyalty doesnt prevent people from being reasonable?

Surely even ford fanatics would at least test drive whats on offer from holden/hsv? No doubt he bought a nice car but he absolutely laughed off my talk of this supercharged 5.0 from fpv

Holden must have the best new car salespeople at the moment to make people still buy their v8.... Maybe they head hunted all the old ford salesmen who were able to move the old 5.4s?

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Old 01-11-2010, 08:30 PM   #2
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He chose the SS, like he/anyone is going to buy a car that doesnt make him happy and if the SS makes him happy then so be it. Dont see the issue.
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Old 02-11-2010, 05:48 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by DJM83
He chose the SS, like he/anyone is going to buy a car that doesnt make him happy and if the SS makes him happy then so be it. Dont see the issue.
Agreed. How maybe people with brand loyalty test drive holdens before buying a ford. I know I have never test drive any holdens. I've always gone straight for the ford. Even when I wanted a small car. I just drove the Focus and never considered the Astra.
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:20 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Bucknaked
Agreed. How maybe people with brand loyalty test drive holdens before buying a ford. I know I have never test drive any holdens. I've always gone straight for the ford. Even when I wanted a small car. I just drove the Focus and never considered the Astra.
Same here, that and the Astra isnt even in the same league.

I swear this thread is just here to set up a fist fight.....
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Last edited by DJM83; 02-11-2010 at 07:27 PM.
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Old 02-11-2010, 07:51 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by DJM83
Same here, that and the Astra isnt even in the same league.

I swear this thread is just here to set up a fist fight.....
Nothing unusual considering the OP
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:35 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by HULK_BA

Surely brand loyalty doesnt prevent people from being reasonable??

Yes it most certainly does, your mate is not the first to cut off his nose... and certainly won't be the last.

Originally Posted by HULK_BA

Surely even ford fanatics would at least test drive whats on offer from holden/hsv? No doubt he bought a nice car but he absolutely laughed off my talk of this supercharged 5.0 from fpv?
Lots and lots of Ford fanboys have brought FPV/ XR8's without driving the equivilant from Holden. Hahahaha, if they had, they may not have handed their money to the blue team...

One eyed attitude is alive and well on both sided of the fence.

Originally Posted by HULK_BA
Holden must have the best new car salespeople at the moment to make people still buy their v8.... Maybe they head hunted all the old ford salesmen who were able to move the old 5.4s?
No, they have very aggressive marketing campaingns, and very aggressive pricing strategy.

The Boss engine had it's good points, as well as it's weaknesses. While it may not have been the 'best' product available throughout the entire life cycle, it was competitive, and remember not everyone that buys a V8 cares if the car next to them might be able to 'win a race to 100 clicks by a single car length

Your mate is by no means going to be alone, happiness / satisfaction is a personal choice afterall, regardless of what anyones else thinks of the decision making process.
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:49 PM   #7
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i bought my xr6 and the only thing i test drove was other xr6's. Then I bought my xr8 when i could and the only thing i test drove was other xr8's and 6 turbos.

I was never going to consider a holden so didnt bother wasting peoples time and test driving them.

Holden may be better, out perform the ford equivilent or might not, but either way i like my fords, so was going to stick with the brand i liked best.

your mate simply bought from his prefered manufacturer and what seemed the value/affordable model for him. Nothing wrong with that, i and most ford owners probably all done the same thing.

Some people test drive both some dont, depends on the person.
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Old 01-11-2010, 09:21 PM   #8
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When purchasing my FG F6 I was going to test drive the competition and even booked in a test drive of a Club Sport but the salesman took the day off and no one else wanted to assist me. But I must be honest, unless it blew the pants of the equivilant Ford I would not buy a Holden over a Ford.
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Old 02-11-2010, 08:17 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by tex
Lots and lots of Ford fanboys have brought FPV/ XR8's without driving the equivilant from Holden. Hahahaha, if they had, they may not have handed their money to the blue team...

One eyed attitude is alive and well on both sided of the fence.

Yep and I'm one of them. Testdriving the equivalent Holden (which I think at the time was a VZ Clubsport) was so far from the forefront of my mind when I bought my GT

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Old 01-11-2010, 08:39 PM   #10
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I think you will find the SSV at the moment is on perminant clearance sale and the GS will be at full price plus some cream for a while.

SSV besides the motor is still better equipt than a GS, so as Tex said if he doesn't give a toss about getting beaten by a car lengh to 100km/h he will have got the best car for his money i guess.
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Old 01-11-2010, 09:49 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by FPV8U
I think you will find the SSV at the moment is on perminant clearance sale and the GS will be at full price plus some cream for a while.

SSV besides the motor is still better equipt than a GS, so as Tex said if he doesn't give a toss about getting beaten by a car lengh to 100km/h he will have got the best car for his money i guess.

I agree with FPV8U, I just brought a 5.4 FG GT for well under $55k because it was value for money, and we are only talking about tenths of seconds between all models holden and Ford. I couldnt justify spending $80k on a new supercharged GT just for the performance alone as both cars are pretty much the same inside and out.
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:35 PM   #12
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I'd never bother test driving a new Holden, I didn't want one when they were faster, I really don't wont one now they are slower.
Oooh baby living in Miami....
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:41 PM   #13
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i reckon 90% of people are either ford or holden and stick with the one brand,i'll never own a holden
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Old 01-11-2010, 08:48 PM   #14
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My neighbour buys HSV's and refuses to even go test drive a Falcon.. He hates them, thats his choice tho, if no one bought Holdens we wouldnt have Falcons!!
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Old 01-11-2010, 09:27 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by HULK_BA

Surely brand loyalty doesnt prevent people from being reasonable?
mate whats a holden car yard never ever been in one or wanted to go into one

yeh they make cars the same as fords maybe better but who cares you either blue blood or not IMO even if holden are better or have been better i have still ended up in a Ford , even when Ford we not doing the V8 back in the 90's i was in a straight 6 even though i wanted and was waiting for the V8 to come out
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:24 PM   #16
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I have to say im Ford through and through, last Holden i test drove was the VY, and only because i was pressured into it.

When buying my next car ill probably test XR6T, XR8(coyote), GS, GT and maybe a phoon. Partly for enjoyment reasons, but also curious of subtle differences.

Bottom line: Wont go outside Ford, because its not a consideration for me.
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:31 PM   #17
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Out of Ford/FPV or Holden/HSV, I have simply never walked into a Holden/HSV yard to buy or test drive a car.

I am blue, red is bad. Any color in between is blue also.
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:53 PM   #18
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i know alot of people who have Ford weekend/drag cars but drive a Holden/Toyota etc during the week. it amazes me that some people don't wait, might be more a timing and $'s issue with most. get a good bargain on something u don't really care but ultimately u start kicking urself later, everyone make bad rash decisions, for instance i bought a Toyota Aurion even tho i grew up a Ford man
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Old 01-11-2010, 10:57 PM   #19
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When I bought my old XR6(2nd hand mind you) I test drove holdens, despite being a ford boy through and through. I just had to know why they where so hyped? The dealer kept trying to get me to buy a Holden VY SV6, vs my XR6, I kept telling him that the xr was a far superior car but he was adamant the sv6 was better. I made the right choice but was glad to test both brands before handing over 25k. I'd do the same if I had 80k to buy a GT/GTS or 500k to buy a house or a block, I'd test both first then make an informed decision. If I drove a GTS and decided(somehow) it was superior, it would probably get the nod. That's unlikely however!
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Old 01-11-2010, 11:09 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by HULK_BA
A good mate of mine just bought a holden ssv, with absolutely no regard for the gs fpv? Bought it over the weekend, brand spankin new.
You need to get a new good mate.

I'm on my 6th Falcon and never drive the equivalent Commodore model when time comes to chose a new lease car. Not interested. As long as the new Falcon is better than the old one I am happy.
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Old 02-11-2010, 12:52 AM   #21
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Blue blood here too. Never look at the Holdens. I dont care if some models were better or not.
Besides I would have to park a Holden around the corner where my mum does when she visits ;)

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Old 02-11-2010, 08:00 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by HULK_BA

A good mate of mine just bought a holden ssv, with absolutely no regard for the gs fpv? Bought it over the weekend, brand spankin new.

Surely brand loyalty doesnt prevent people from being reasonable?

Surely even ford fanatics would at least test drive whats on offer from holden/hsv? No doubt he bought a nice car but he absolutely laughed off my talk of this supercharged 5.0 from fpv

Holden must have the best new car salespeople at the moment to make people still buy their v8.... Maybe they head hunted all the old ford salesmen who were able to move the old 5.4s?
I bought a Falcon without even one thought for a Commodore.. At the end of the day, both cars are very very very very similar (yes they really are!!) & it is brand loyalty driving allot of sales these days.. Also, there is more to a car than just the engine, personally I prefer the looks of a HSV over the FPV (& I'm a Ford fan)..

People keep trying to tell me motorsports does not sell cars these days anymore, but I don’t believe that. There are allot of Ford & Holden fans that are brand loyalty because of motorsports
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Old 02-11-2010, 08:46 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by HULK_BA
Surely brand loyalty doesnt prevent people from being reasonable?
Seriously?! Though I suspect you added that in to be controversial.

HSV and FPV strike up a deal and swap plants, FPV now pumps out E3's with an FPV badge and HSV pumps out blown 5L FG's with an HSV badge, guarantee there would be a good wad of people on both here and LS1.com that would follow the badge.

I work hard for my money so I'll park my bum in the car that I feel gives me the best value for my money at the time. I have a bias towards Ford, but that's all it is.. a bias. My last car was a E1 Clubby. My current is a BF Ghia while I wait a year or two to see how the blown 5L measures up.
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Old 02-11-2010, 12:31 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by Iggypoppin'
When I bought my old XR6(2nd hand mind you) I test drove holdens, despite being a ford boy through and through. I just had to know why they where so hyped?
The dealer kept trying to get me to buy a Holden VY SV6, vs my XR6, I kept telling him that the xr was a far superior car but he was adamant the sv6 was better.
I made the right choice but was glad to test both brands before handing over 25k. I'd do the same if I had 80k to buy a GT/GTS or 500k to buy a house or a block, I'd test both first then make an informed decision. If I drove a GTS and decided(somehow) it was superior, it would probably get the nod. That's unlikely however!
If that was the case though, would you start a run of tatts for Holden? If that’s what you’re referring to in your sig? LOL!

Originally Posted by Elks
I'd never bother test driving a new Holden, I didn't want one when they were faster, I really don't wont one now they are slower.
Gold! LOL!

Originally Posted by Rodp
I work hard for my money so I'll park my bum in the car that I feel gives me the best value for my money at the time. I have a bias towards Ford, but that's all it is.. a bias.
My last car was a E1 Clubby. My current is a BF Ghia while I wait a year or two to see how the blown 5L measures up.
I guess that’s why some people go back and forth across brands without any issue. Their focus is on dollar value, perhaps also on trying new things. No problem with that, but it’s just not how I work.

I also think that having the latest and greatest (whatever that really means) is often a high priority for people. I have also noticed that for many people I’ve come across over the years, they drive Ford or Holden or even Toyota and such, but they deep down have a desire/aspiration to drive German luxury cars. I reckon in some cases it’s simply the desire to be able to say that they’ve “made it”, but for others, I perceive a brand snobbery. Some people wouldn’t dare buy anything that isn’t European. Their loss !

As for my own bias, I certainly have on occasion questioned why I have a such a strong bias towards Ford. I guess for me, Ford connects me to my father who passed on a number of years ago. He taught me the value of brand loyalty and supporting the local community where possible. I certainly feel great about having two cars in my driveway, that are built within 15 kays of my home!

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Old 02-11-2010, 12:43 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by GK
If that was the case though, would you start a run of tatts for Holden? If that’s what you’re referring to in your sig? LOL!

no chance in hell!! I've been a ford boy for a long time, the tattoos are also animals, not cars, they just have that representation. Imagine a commodore or something tattooed on my arm! Hideous. It just worked out that ford has named it's most iconic brand in Australia(falcon) after a bird of prey, it's limited edition XC coupe after a snake, and codenamed it's latest V8 after a breed of canine. It all sort of ties in.
I just felt obligated to tyre kick as many cars in the yard as I could. I was 18, I figured I may as well drive the monaro, V8 Holden utes, SV6, etc. The only realistic cars affordable where XR6's and SV6's and a clapped out VX SS.
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Old 02-11-2010, 03:49 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Iggypoppin'
no chance in hell!! I've been a ford boy for a long time, the tattoos are also animals, not cars, they just have that representation.
I get it. I guess the tatts being animals makes their significance a little cryptic too!

Originally Posted by Iggypoppin'
Imagine a commodore or something tattooed on my arm! Hideous.
Indeed! Such people would need professional help! LOL!

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Old 02-11-2010, 09:00 AM   #27
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I've always been more of a Holden than Ford fan growing up when Brockie was at the peak of his powers. I do however love my X series coupes and have done so for over 25 years.

I bought a very low klm VE SV6 as a family hack about 4 years ago for low $30k. It has been a terrific car and was good value for money. With power output of 195kw, good looks and ample room for the family. It has never let me down or given me any problems (although the auto box is a dog noisy, weird shifts etc).

It is now time to replace and the coyote GT/GTE/GTP is the leading contender.

This time around it is not so much a value for money proposition (I'd keep the VE if that was the case) but time to spoil myself. I've probably been brainswashed because I spend so much time on this Forum !
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:06 AM   #28
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Moved to the pub; more to do with an individual's brand loyalty than anything else.
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:22 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by HULK_BA
A good mate of mine just bought a holden ssv, with absolutely no regard for the gs fpv? Bought it over the weekend, brand spankin new.

Surely brand loyalty doesnt prevent people from being reasonable?
GS has nothing in it. SSV has somewhat higher standard spec. As someone already pointed out, 0-100 isnt everything.
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Old 02-11-2010, 09:55 AM   #30
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only ever buy commodores i dont ever consider ford because im stuck in my ways i like holden so thats all im going to buy. still can not get over why ford canned there v8 so im still angry about that. plus i love the thought of a 6.2l. i would only buy a falcon if the commodore died.
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