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Old 14-12-2011, 10:06 AM   #1
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Default Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Taken from Herald Sun Website:


A POTENTIALLY deadly bridal car burnout has left a family fuming after 18 months of trying to get authorities to deal with a hoon.
Video of the ear-splitting antics shows wedding party members - including the bride - engulfed in a plume of smoke as a car decked with bridal ribbon does a tyre-shredding burnout outside a children's park in a residential street.

Wedding guests can be seen taking photos before they disappear from view as the souped-up red Holden lays down duel 60m strips of smoking rubber before disappearing into a garage.

The video was filmed this month by a family in the northwestern suburb of Taylors Hill, who have been trying for more than a year to get authorities to act against car hoons.

They released the footage a day after the Herald Sun revealed dangerous and noisy drivers were what we hate most about our neighbourhoods.

An earlier video shot by the family shows a hotted-up green Torana - also visible in the wedding video - doing a tyre-screaming burnout across the street and into the same garage, forcing a passing car to brake and stop outside the house.

"Gina" said her home would shake and rattle when the hoon was active.

"I have lost count of how many times we and neighbours have rung the police and even handed them video and still nothing has been done," she said.

Gina said it was a joke for police to claim they were "very focused" on taking hoons off the road, given the buck passing they had encountered: "Don't ring us, ring the hoon line. Same with the EPA about the car noise - don't ring us, report it to the police. Then police say ring the EPA.

"What do you do? I know the police are busy, but this has been an ongoing issue.

"Seriously, when is someone going to put their money where their mouth is and really start doing something about the problem?"

A woman at the home where the hoon car is garaged yesterday said she was the owner of a red Holden and a green Torana, but knew nothing about the tyre tracks leading to her driveway.

Neighbour Sibe Sulejmini told the Herald Sun today she had asked the council to act saying motorists were terrorising the neighbourhood.

She said the council put in a speed monitoring device and was shocked at its reaction.

"They said it was not fast enough and they can't do anything about it," Mrs Sulejmini said.

"It's not safe, it feels scary. Cars going fast - they just go crazy."

She estimated some drivers and motorbike riders clocked speeds of up to 100km/h in the 50km/h zone.

Another neighbour said residents had moved out of George St because the hooning became unbearable.

The mother-of-two was now fuming that she wasn't informed about the potentially killer drivers on her neighbourhood.

"This is just mad and we are terrified," she said.

"Something needs to be done."

A police spokeswoman said police were gathering additional information about the wedding incident.

She said that all allegations of hoon behaviour were taken seriously and urged people to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or 000 in cases where hoon behaviour was putting lives at risk

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Old 14-12-2011, 10:14 AM   #2
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts



I wonder how much of a furore and keyboard warrior lynch party this will evolve into......

Obviously by your opening post you have no opinion on this so it can't be important.


Re-opened at request of OP.

Please lets keep this on topic and not let it devolve into a lynch party....

Last edited by flappist; 14-12-2011 at 10:44 AM.
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Old 14-12-2011, 10:52 AM   #3
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

hhmm, while i appreciate a good burnout - time and place, built-up housing areas are not the place for it and i believe these actions do more harm to the car community which will in the end make it harder for anyone not driving a camry
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Old 14-12-2011, 10:53 AM   #4
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I'm not usually a troll or fire-starter but was kinda curious about opinions on the issue (there are quite interesting responses within the comments on the HS website)

I know that AFF does not promote or condone public displays of burnouts, but I was honestly interested in opinions about this.

I am an ex wedding car chauffeur, driving high powered muscle cars, and was CONSTANTLY asked about this as a driver - but for reasons I could never understand??

I kinda sit on the fence for Burnouts...
Burnouts are very misunderstood - generally low speed manouvers, and low impact when they go wrong on the roads (i'm not talking about dragstrip/event incidents with purpose built drag cars)...

But I've never understood why people think they should be associated with Weddings/Funerals/etc?

What is the GO?
And why are Burnouts so misunderstood?
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:14 AM   #5
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by loftie
And why are Burnouts so misunderstood?
because people are lead to believe they are the devils work....

a good proper, celebratory skid with a decent car should only take a matter of seconds...

up on the limiter, up in the gears and go... done..

unlike some fw P plater in his pos out the front of your house at 3am for 10 or 15 mins......
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Old 14-12-2011, 10:55 AM   #6
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I think the article speaks for itself. My opinion is that its not a matter of whether the police can do anything, its a matter of that they "should".

I also agree with the idea that this sort of behaviour only fuels the idea of only allowing whitegoods as cars. (not that it would solve the problem by doing that, but thats what some people believe)
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:00 AM   #7
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by Scotty85
I think the article speaks for itself. My opinion is that its not a matter of whether the police can do anything, its a matter of that they "should".
See Scotty85 - this is why I'm interested in people's opinion.

With the footage provided (on the HS website) who do you charge?
You can't prove who was driving the car - all you could do would be impound the car under the hoon laws - perhaps??
(If the burnout was done in the driveway - private property - then do the hoon laws apply?)

Which may be exactly the reason why Police don't persue such cases...
It would take up time, resources, and money to follow it up - and very difficult to charge or punish anyone involved?

Police are very often in a no-win situation... They can't be seen to be doing nothing... but if they do something and nothing happens... then they're not doing a good enough job?
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:02 AM   #8
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by loftie
(If the burnout was done in the driveway - private property - then do the hoon laws apply?)
Yes. Hoon laws apply.

And I believe the owners of the vehicles pictured will be pursued. It has happened before with youtube videos.

Hope the proverbial "book" gets thrown at them. I will even donate a set of Encyclopedia Brittanicas (circa 1983) for the cause!
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:05 AM   #9
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

even the straightest dudes i've done a wedding for.. cheered like ten year olds when i've dropped a big skid.. all part of the service....
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Old 14-12-2011, 10:59 AM   #10
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I think its just an attention seeking thing and a way to blow off steam, whether excitement or grief.

So they've done one burnout for a wedding, the article seems to make out they're doing it constantly - which could potentially cause death? (lol)

"It's not safe, it feels scary. Cars going fast - they just go crazy."
Sounds ridiculous, who honestly speaks like that?

Its a sensationalised story about a family of car enthusiasts who misguidedly celebrated their wedding in a way that they enjoy - unfortunately it was against the law and a couple of neighbours didn't like the noise and marks on the road. Now a news agency has video proof that everyone will want to watch because most people love a good burnout - great for ratings - and then sensationalize it in a way to demonize the car enthusiasts.
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:31 PM   #11
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by Fev
Originally Posted by Fev
"It's not safe, it feels scary. Cars going fast - they just go crazy."
Sounds ridiculous, who honestly speaks like that?
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:19 AM   #12
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Unfortunately the burnouts which turn into donuts is where it all goes south.

I wont go to the trouble of linking articles where cars have ploughed and killed innocent bystanders or people minding their own business
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:52 AM   #13
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
Unfortunately the burnouts which turn into donuts is where it all goes south.

I wont go to the trouble of linking articles where cars have ploughed and killed innocent bystanders or people minding their own business
I beg to differ... There are plenty of incidents where cars have ploughed into people - yes... generally speed related incidents where cars have gone out of control... not specifically burnouts....

Again - a burnout is a low velocity manouver... and I'm not talking about powerskidding, drifting, etc...

If you got a radar gun out, how fast do you think Gary Myers heads down the track at the Summernats?? 5km/h? 10km/h? Even when the car whips around (and we're talking a purpose built high HP burnout car) the actual velocity that the rear of the car whips around would not be very high... Probably less than 40km/h... which is the deemed acceptable speed to drive past a school... When Johnny the Hoon whips his full *** VN SS into hoops, it will whip less than a Summernats Entrant... You get the point...

I'm not trying to justify that burnouts are 'ok' but what I am saying is they are demonised as someone said previously, and often mistaken for something else... (by non car enthusiasts)

Doing a line/locker down the street in a V8 Torana is very different to trying to drift around a 90degree bend at 100km/h in an R33 Skyline...
Sure - you'll hear high revs and skids... and see smoke and black lines...
But both very different...
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:04 PM   #14
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by loftie
I beg to differ... There are plenty of incidents where cars have ploughed into people - yes... generally speed related incidents where cars have gone out of control... not specifically burnouts....

Again - a burnout is a low velocity manouver... and I'm not talking about powerskidding, drifting, etc...
Beg to differ all you want loftie. Your theoretical assumption/projection of low velocity "whiping" is flawed

Think back to an incident at Williamstown Beach a few years back . A donut killed an innocent bystander ( little girl from memory)

This WAS a burnout
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:08 PM   #15
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
Beg to differ all you want loftie. Your theoretical assumption/projection of low velocity "whiping" is flawed

Think back to an incident at Williamstown Beach a few years back . A donut killed an innocent bystander ( little girl from memory)

This WAS a burnout
I'm not saying it can't happen - of course it can.... and has... and most likely will in the future...

But more people would be killed by being eaten by a shark, than killed by someone doing a burnout...
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Old 14-12-2011, 08:38 PM   #16
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by loftie
I'm not saying it can't happen - of course it can.... and has... and most likely will in the future...

But more people would be killed by being eaten by a shark, than killed by someone doing a burnout...
So just because hooning like this is LESS dangerous BUT still dangerous it is acceptable? Love your argument there.

Whatever way you look at it, hooning should not be acceptable in any form in residential areas. Sure, dropping a skid or two can be really fun, but there are certain places where this sort of behaviour should never leave.

One kid dropping a skid might be encouraged by John his mate to do more dangerous things, and boom, you get people doing mini-races in no time. And people get killed.
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:18 PM   #17
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by gcg2503
Beg to differ all you want loftie. Your theoretical assumption/projection of low velocity "whiping" is flawed

Think back to an incident at Williamstown Beach a few years back . A donut killed an innocent bystander ( little girl from memory)

This WAS a burnout
sounds like it wasnt the right place or time.. not the act of....
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:25 AM   #18
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Summernats, I'll sit there for hours watching burnouts and cheering like a bogan. On a residential street, it's just not the time or place for one.

It's not due to the 'potential deadliness' of it.. sensationalist media at its finest. I don't want to be disturbed by excessive noise, smoke and black unsightly marks on my street every weekend.
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:28 AM   #19
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

If you look at the footage, it looks like a fixed monitoring cam. It makes me wonder whether she is one of those neighbours that film everything on the street looking for offenders. The type of person who whinges at the drop of a hat while video taping your kids going to school.
If hooning and burnouts on her street were such a problem, why was there only the fresh marks from the wedding day? She is just as much a pest in the street as those who make a bit of noise or have hot cars. I hate vigilante pests who are on the phone to the police at the slightest noise. It is no wonder the police ignore her
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:11 PM   #20
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by GTP owner
If you look at the footage, it looks like a fixed monitoring cam. It makes me wonder whether she is one of those neighbours that film everything on the street looking for offenders. The type of person who whinges at the drop of a hat while video taping your kids going to school.
If hooning and burnouts on her street were such a problem, why was there only the fresh marks from the wedding day? She is just as much a pest in the street as those who make a bit of noise or have hot cars. I hate vigilante pests who are on the phone to the police at the slightest noise. It is no wonder the police ignore her
If you look at the drive-by afterward the wedding scene, it looks like there a few faded skid marks on the road, we also see the Torrie doing a burnout which wasn't part of the wedding.

If that was happening on my street, i'd be onto the cops and i'm not a serial whinger, like muscle cars etc and don't mind a burnout, but there's a time and place for it and that's not in suburbia.
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Old 22-12-2011, 12:57 PM   #21
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by GTP owner
If you look at the footage, it looks like a fixed monitoring cam. It makes me wonder whether she is one of those neighbours that film everything on the street looking for offenders. The type of person who whinges at the drop of a hat while video taping your kids going to school.
If hooning and burnouts on her street were such a problem, why was there only the fresh marks from the wedding day? She is just as much a pest in the street as those who make a bit of noise or have hot cars. I hate vigilante pests who are on the phone to the police at the slightest noise. It is no wonder the police ignore her
Yeah id say shes a bit of a nutter, she was banging on tele about how it happens all day every day yet when the cameras were on the street you could only see one set of marks

And as for some comments on here if im a bogan because we ripped skids at my wedding im comfortable with that.
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:29 AM   #22
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Bogan wedding.
Nothing more needs to be said.
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Old 14-12-2011, 03:53 PM   #23
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by davway
Bogan wedding.
Nothing more needs to be said.
ha, ha,

and the bride ran away with the best man.

I wouldn,t want a burn out at my wedding.
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Old 14-12-2011, 04:07 PM   #24
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

I get that Flappist, yes people should have proper commen sense, but that old saying, "commen sense , isn,t very commen" and then a couple of dummies can reck things for everyone, then the rules come, then accusations of nanny state.
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:32 AM   #25
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

The beige sisters of pre-menstrual agony strike again!

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Originally Posted by Tex
I couldn't give a crap how many are in their family, what gay passtimes they paticipate in, or whether they have a cat, dog or a freaken fish.

Keep your stinking family to yourself god damn it.
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:32 AM   #26
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

All well and good for a burnout in the middle of suburbia WTF - time and place for everything - but lets get real, if your young child is taking a walk along the footpath and some V8 super car hero gets it all wrong, I think many people may have a different viewpoint on a persons right to drop a skid.

On the other hand, if your street is full of black burnout marks, and you had these type of people as neighbours twenty four hours a day - what would you do.
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:36 AM   #27
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by auxr
All well and good for a burnout in the middle of suburbia WTF - time and place for everything - but lets get real, if your young child is taking a walk along the footpath and some V8 super car hero gets it all wrong, I think many people may have a different viewpoint on a persons right to drop a skid.
I would prefer someone doing a skid than an geriatric with a time-bomb ticker with cataracts and uncontrolled diabetes driving down my street with the kids on it. I think you will find the stats indicate your scenario is far safer and has occurred on far fewer occasions than the geriatric driver killing someone.
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:39 AM   #28
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by GTP owner
I would prefer someone doing a skid than an geriatric with a time-bomb ticker with cataracts and uncontrolled diabetes driving down my street with the kids on it. I think you will find the stats indicate your scenario is far safer and has occurred on far fewer occasions than the geriatric driver killing someone.
yep... people like my old man getting around on his prescription pills moggied off his head.........
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Old 14-12-2011, 11:41 AM   #29
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by pottery beige
yep... people like my old man getting around on his prescription pills moggied off his head.........
And an accident rate plus injury rate only equal to those 18-24, yet they are untouchable because they don't speed
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Old 14-12-2011, 12:46 PM   #30
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Default Re: Locals Beg Police to Stop Bridal Burnouts

Originally Posted by GTP owner
I would prefer someone doing a skid than an geriatric with a time-bomb ticker with cataracts and uncontrolled diabetes driving down my street with the kids on it. I think you will find the stats indicate your scenario is far safer and has occurred on far fewer occasions than the geriatric driver killing someone.

Can't for the life of me see your logic - a geriatric always will keep to 50k's in a suburbam setting - I am yet to see some one drop a burnout and then keep to the speed limit.

Skid panns, burnout pads at a race track etc are a different story - bet you drop a few skids outside your parents house just for the fun of it to.
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