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Old 03-06-2005, 09:03 PM   #1
devil cv8
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Default Do GT-P purchasers get driver training?

Going on what I saw tonight on my way from Canberra to Bega a driver of a blue GT-P obviously missed out. I was sitting on 110km/h after passing through Nimmittabel and I was overtaken by a GT-P. As I like to do when there is someone else silly enough to drive well over the limit, I paced him and realised he was travelling at 130km/h approx. As this area is notorious for furry rocks and live kangaroo steaks I eased back to 115-120 and let him continue into the distance. Once we struck Brown mountain I drove as I usually do and before long caught the GT-P. obviously the driver isn't real confident of his or the car's ability on anything other than a straight line. Once I was on his rear bumper he put in a masterfull effort but my stock SS stayed right on his bumper until we caught a slow moving car, at which he displayed what can only be referred to as ******** driving, overtaking on double lines approaching a blind corner... If a semi had been going up the mountain at that time (and we passed a few going up the mountain) he would have made a nice hood ornament.
Once we hit the bottom and got onto the straighter sections of road, he disappeared into the distance at insane speeds.

******** of the week award goes to the GT-P driver...... I look forward to seeing him splattered all over the road, I just hope he doesn't take anyone else out at the time..

Moral of the story: Learn to drive properly, especially if you have a performance car, and watch where the insane speeds occur....
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Old 03-06-2005, 09:09 PM   #2
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Yeah it is quite sad to have people like that on the roads. Overtaking on double white lines is just asking for it. Some people have no idea...
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Old 03-06-2005, 09:33 PM   #3
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tell me about I had an idiot driver overtaking on double white clean me up on Lake George. I HATE STUPIDITY.

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Old 03-06-2005, 09:43 PM   #4
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I got caught behind a bus going through Kangaroo Valley from Nowra heading to Bowral and the majority of the twisties going up through there are double yellows and a lot of blind corners.

Innitially when I was heading up, clear road so I was giving it a bit of stick and loving the aural vibration of the 8 bouncing off the side of the mountain. I had (safely) overtaken a ricer on the way up who's body kit obviously didn't improve its handling as it was busy hanging onto corners that my XR8 was just eating up. About 5 mins after tacking on the end of the bus, the ricer caught up. Waited for about 2 minutes behind me and then proceeded to overtake us both on double yellows on a blind corner.

Unfortunately, a car was coming the other way and luckily had the room to swerve off the road to avoid a head-on (particularly since there majority of that road has very little room off the verge). I was stuck behind the bus for a good 20 mins, but got to see some breathtaking scenery as well as a near miss head-on.

Get low performance drivers off the road, not high performance cars.
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Old 03-06-2005, 10:28 PM   #5
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Few years back during one of those Cannonball races they used to have in the Northern Territory a pair of Japanese in a Ferrari F40 were coming into a checkpoint and the driver lost control at about 180mph.
The result was 2 dead Japs and 2 officials manning the checkpoint!
I still remember Allan Moffat saying on the news that " a Ferrari owner is not necessarily a Ferrari driver" Guess we can only hope that Mr GTP and Mr Riceburner meet in opposite directions on an isolated road sometime and take each other out rather than some other poor innocent bastard.
Yes, they do offer a driving course with a purchase of a NEW GT/GTP but with depreciation and kms on the speedo used cars can now be bought by anyone with the bucks (or finance), with no scrutiny regarding training or experience. Go figure :
Its no bloody wonder our road toll looks like a bank profit statement!

Last edited by RegSpec; 03-06-2005 at 10:51 PM.
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Old 03-06-2005, 10:37 PM   #6
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Yeah i had some ****er trying to overtake me over double lines goin down the coast once. He was old as hell and nearly rear ended me a couple of times and im talking this guy was literally about 2 inches off the back of my car. Not only was he doin this he was swerving all over the road.

I gave him plenty of room and he overtook me only for me to catch up later doin the speed limit and then him slow me down.

Worst thing ever though is when i got overtaken by a truck on single lane each way road with oncomming traffic (shit road aswell). 100km/h speed limited my *** this guy would have to of been pushing 120-130km/h in a ****ing truck. Absolute madness.
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Old 03-06-2005, 10:45 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by devil cv8
.............I was overtaken by a GT-P. As I like to do when there is someone else silly enough to drive well over the limit, I paced him......
And this serves what purpose?
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Old 03-06-2005, 10:57 PM   #8
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Think its called FUN :hihi:
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Old 03-06-2005, 11:01 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by redebxr8
Think its called FUN :hihi:
Thats ok then _2: and we all have our fun legally and within posted speed limits here at AFF :
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Old 03-06-2005, 11:07 PM   #10
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think I need to change my user name to Red A1 Minge, to be like the crowd

Sometime it pays to be unique and just enjoy the drive, there are too many places to have fun legally to risk it on the roads these days.
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Old 04-06-2005, 12:47 AM   #11
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Absolutely!! .
Devil CV8 had the common sense to back down a bit when he realised Mr GTP was aiming for a Darwin award!
However having said that, I'll bet theres not one of us that hasn't a bit of a 'pace' session with someone we've come across on a nice piece of road.
I'll be honest, legally..mmm 90% of the time, posted speed limits...err not always, Common sense, drive to the conditions and due care for other road users ...definately! :eclipsee_

PS: gtfpv says "I tried outrunning them and tailgating them". Tailgating is just asking for trouble but if you couldnt outrun them, What the hell were they driving? Did you get the driving course when you bought your car?

Last edited by RegSpec; 04-06-2005 at 12:56 AM.
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Old 04-06-2005, 01:14 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by redebxr8
Absolutely!! .
Devil CV8 had the common sense to back down a bit when he realised Mr GTP was aiming for a Darwin award!
However having said that, I'll bet theres not one of us that hasn't a bit of a 'pace' session with someone we've come across on a nice piece of road.
I'll be honest, legally..mmm 90% of the time, posted speed limits...err not always, Common sense, drive to the conditions and due care for other road users ...definately! :eclipsee_

PS: gtfpv says "I tried outrunning them and tailgating them". Tailgating is just asking for trouble but if you couldnt outrun them, What the hell were they driving? Did you get the driving course when you bought your car?
Yes any of us that is honest enough to admit it will know we have done some foolish things on the roads! no denying that, but I'd like to think that as true enthusiast we'd had the common sense to realise the mistake and that we are less likely to participate than other run-o-the-mill hoons!
We can argue the point here from all sides but the bottom line is there is no win to be gained from agressive or reactionary driving on public roads.
As Minge say there are lots of places for Legal Fun and to be honest, chasing a ******** on the highway just doubles the number of dickheads due for a mishap.
Its not a wiggles lets all drive safe an obey the road signs thing. But as an univited representative I'd have to say that bragging about road play and stupid speed/behavior isn't wise.

Best thing you can ever do when you meet stupid driver is give them the widest berth possible, let them past whatever, not reacting is the mark that just maybe you are becoming a capable driver. Want to show them something invite them to the track/strip.
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Old 03-06-2005, 11:27 PM   #13
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i understand the 1st posts point completely , but have to agree with RED EL XR8. my moral is . let a ******** go passed. i even pull over and let them go ,i've tried outrunning them and tailing them but then i realised that i was just as stupid. and hearing comments about hoping they get wiped out is not something anyone wants to see.
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Old 04-06-2005, 09:44 AM   #14
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... Once I was on his rear bumper he put in a masterfull effort but my stock SS stayed right on his bumper until we caught a slow moving car, at which he displayed what can only be referred to as ******** driving...

Sorry I'm lost, who is the ******** here? :
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Old 04-06-2005, 11:06 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by cogdoc
... Once I was on his rear bumper he put in a masterfull effort but my stock SS stayed right on his bumper until we caught a slow moving car, at which he displayed what can only be referred to as ******** driving...

Sorry I'm lost, who is the ******** here? :
I think what he's trying to say is he tried his VERY best to encouage the driver of the GT-P to do something illegal and stupid and evenually suceeded. Yeap only the GT-P driver was being silly here...:

Before you retaliate Devil CV8 I realize you’re point is some people take what starts out being just a bit of fun too far, just you must remember by encouraging this person you become equally responsible for the outcome. Some food for thought may be. It's not like any of us haven't done this same type of thing at one time or another.
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Last edited by WASP; 04-06-2005 at 12:55 PM.
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Old 04-06-2005, 05:30 PM   #16
devil cv8
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Originally Posted by RED_EL_XR8
And this serves what purpose?
unlike our esteemed police force, my eyes aren't calibrated to determine someone else's speed to within 5km/h, so a little pacing allows me to determine what speed the other car is doing, and on the appropriate road, use them to beat the bushes up front.....

Originally Posted by cogdoc
... Once I was on his rear bumper he put in a masterfull effort but my stock SS stayed right on his bumper until we caught a slow moving car, at which he displayed what can only be referred to as ******** driving...

Sorry I'm lost, who is the ******** here? :
I never exceeded 80km/h while I was behind him, and I didn't overtake on double lines approaching a blind left hand bend, so lets see, someone who drives at a speed on a rural road well above what most would do on a freeway then when the road becomes challenging at lower speeds, slows right down to grand dad speeds (not quite right, I'm now a grand dad) and only starts driving harder when someone catches up to them. If he had kept at his sedate speed, I would have overtaken him at one of the few legal and safe places and would have been able to because I travel this road frequently, and know the road well, and know my car's capabilities.

for those that know the road it can be a challenging road to drive. this idiot showed he drives like a ******** on roads he doesn't know. so I beleive I know who the ******** was. Just a pity the HWP wasn't around, as this stretch of road is a favourite for them, hence my 100km/h +-10%
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Old 04-06-2005, 05:53 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by devil cv8
unlike our esteemed police force, my eyes aren't calibrated to determine someone else's speed to within 5km/h, so a little pacing allows me to determine what speed the other car is doing, and on the appropriate road, use them to beat the bushes up front.....
Just a though but why not wory about your speed not some other guys. I cant speak for the SS but I know all falcons have a device fitted called a speedometer which provides a reasonably accurate indication of your actual road speed. If you vehicle has one of these dont get pre-occupied with it, but it is usefull to give it the occasional glance. The speed of anotther car need not be your concern.
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Old 04-06-2005, 07:18 PM   #18
devil cv8
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Originally Posted by RED_EL_XR8
Just a though but why not wory about your speed not some other guys. I cant speak for the SS but I know all falcons have a device fitted called a speedometer which provides a reasonably accurate indication of your actual road speed. If you vehicle has one of these dont get pre-occupied with it, but it is usefull to give it the occasional glance. The speed of anotther car need not be your concern.
you just don't get it do you....... I know this road, I also know cops patrol this road with more frequency than others, I therefore limit my speed, but when some idiot wants to go faster, then I will sit a few hundred meters back, but to ensure I don't gain on them I need to know what speed they are doing... Is that clear enough for you, or should I type s l o w e r f o r y o u t o u n d e r s t a n d
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Old 04-06-2005, 07:31 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by devil cv8
you just don't get it do you....... I know this road, I also know cops patrol this road with more frequency than others, I therefore limit my speed, but when some idiot wants to go faster, then I will sit a few hundred meters back, but to ensure I don't gain on them I need to know what speed they are doing... Is that clear enough for you, or should I type s l o w e r f o r y o u t o u n d e r s t a n d
And this achieves?

A quadrupling of your chance of running through them when they do something stupid or lock em up on sight of a roadside roo.

It gives you a mistaken comfort factor you may avoid a roadside revenue radar.

You can type at any speed you fancy, but the safest place you can be from anyone you deem a ******** driver, is the hell away from them. The speed of another vehicle particulary one that has overtaken you has no bearing on how you should be driving. Why knowingly speed up to follow them and any negatives they may offer?
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Old 04-06-2005, 07:51 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by devil cv8
you just don't get it do you....... I know this road, I also know cops patrol this road with more frequency than others, I therefore limit my speed, but when some idiot wants to go faster, then I will sit a few hundred meters back, but to ensure I don't gain on them I need to know what speed they are doing... Is that clear enough for you, or should I type s l o w e r f o r y o u t o u n d e r s t a n d
What I dont u n d e r s t a n d is, why some people develop an attitude just because you overtake them. It amuses me when you pass someone doing less than the posted speed limit and they proceed to tailgate you just because you left them behind?. Some fool today obviously didnt like the fact I went passed his commodore and thought it would be a great idea to sit on my *** till all the way till the next town, where either to "impress me" with his shitbox of choice or just "stupidity", he flew past (with his wife and kids) at something like 90 in a 50 overtaking 4 cars on double lines just to show how good he was.
The only problem with this is, my names not Marcos, were not at Eastern Creek he's far from Skaify skill levels. Sure theres always going to be Ford / Holden rivalry but this guy was just a total fu#*wit!. Putting your own car or life at risk is a personal decision but I dont really appreceiate it when my family and others dont even have a choice.
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Old 04-06-2005, 02:07 PM   #21
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[QUOTE=devil cv8]
I look forward to seeing him splattered all over the road QUOTE]

I think you need to reset your goals in life. If this is the sum of your hopes and aspirations :!
Sorry Pal.
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Old 04-06-2005, 05:14 PM   #22
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Following a speeding car is not always a good idea.

In 1987 I was travelling in my nice new Laser from the Gold Coast to Brisbane on a Sunday morning and was late for a function. As this was when QPOL got their first mobile radars I was worried about speeding in the "killing fields".
A yellow ute went blasting past me so I followed it at about 300m at around 130km/h. I thought this was clever as if there was a radar ahead it would get him or I would see his brake lights and take appropriate action.
Suddenly there are police cars everywhere, I get boxed in and coppers with guns drawn are all over me (and the ute).
A quick investigation of my licence and some questioning (I told them I was following to be radar proof but it didn't work) their stress level dropped and one wrote out a ticket for over 15 less than 30 over the limit.
The guys in the ute seemed to be in more toruble than me as they were now lying face down on the road with guns pointed at them.

The copper left with with the advice that next time I follow a speeding vehicle make sure it is not being used as a getaway car from an armed robbery.
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Old 04-06-2005, 05:32 PM   #23
devil cv8
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Originally Posted by flappist
Following a speeding car is not always a good idea.

The copper left with with the advice that next time I follow a speeding vehicle make sure it is not being used as a getaway car from an armed robbery.
what are the chances... At least you knew at that time not to waste money on a lotto ticket due to the way your luck was running
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Old 04-06-2005, 06:09 PM   #24
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Dont we all have the occaisional squirt on the road? Until we know we need to slow down ? I have followed cars for a little ( with no less than three second gap) while at excess speeds, but I will never let my confidence exceed my competence. I am normally sitting on about 120 during my daily commute, I overtake some, some overtake me I dont consider this practice silly or dangerous even though I am travelling at 20klms over the speed limit. this thread seems to have gotten quite catty, and I thought most forum members would do something SIMILAR to CV8 if conditions were considered right.
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Old 04-06-2005, 06:29 PM   #25
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TURBOTAXI .... that road just makes the car go fast ..... even the wagon tips a bit over :P
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Old 04-06-2005, 10:39 PM   #26
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I think we all get upset when someone "hassles" us when we're driving, and now that I have my dream GT I seem to attract every wanna be on the road. Hence CV8 your story doesn't mesh well with me personally. I had my new GT a whole 2 km before Mr " I've got a big blow off valve" was beside me, on, off, on, off, on, off. It does tend to grate. I know my auto GT isn't the world's fastest road weapon, but I have made friends with my willy, so I don't really care. Remember you came on a Ford site bagging a GT-P driver......not so bright eh?
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Old 05-06-2005, 11:48 AM   #27
devil cv8
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Originally Posted by cogdoc
Remember you came on a Ford site bagging a GT-P driver......not so bright eh?
it was more bagging a performance car driver taking stupid risks. If I wanted the usual "typical ford driver" comments, I would have posted over at ls1.com.au or even sc. Initially this thread was on track, but then the normal idiotic poster took it off topic and turned it into a holden driver bagging a ford driver.
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Old 05-06-2005, 12:14 PM   #28
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Funny, almost surprising really but I dont see any Holden bashing! Just a general condemnation of foolish driving!

It wouldn't matter if the original offender was in a Sigma Scorpion, a Land Rover, A Mazda 626 or a gemini, I think its been establish the GT-P pilot was behaving like a ********. Driving like dickheads can be achieved in any car, yes Ford and Holden drivers are as well represented as any other make/model.

What nobody gets is how one persons foolish bevior should inspire foolish behavior from others. Being overtaken will not cost you a genital, no really it wont.
Even if the said pilot was hell bent on living out he's I've got a GT-P and I'm finally gonna blow some lesser Holden models, then let him live his fantasy! Its all nonsense anyway.

Macho aggressive road displays in any vehicle who needs them!

As for driver training a 1 day complimentary course on car skills will not ever change an attitude. Especially will all the "I know my car and what it can do" and "I know this road like the back of my hand". No prizes for guessing where most fatal or life threatening accidents occur!

Last edited by RED_EL_XR8; 05-06-2005 at 04:39 PM.
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Old 05-06-2005, 12:30 AM   #29
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I know my auto GT isn't the world's fastest road weapon, but I have made friends with my willy, so I don't really care. Remember you came on a Ford site bagging a GT-P driver......not so bright eh?
Well done- it takes a disciplined man to ignore an `idiot challenge' on the road. As a particular philosopher/martial artist once said, `yield to win'.

No raodside radar in this area, so no issues there. If he stuffs up, I know I can stop well withing the distance I was behind him. obviously you can't.
But from your initial post, you said;
Once I was on his rear bumper he put in a masterfull effort but my stock SS stayed right on his bumper until we caught a slow moving car, at which he displayed what can only be referred to as ******** driving, overtaking on double lines approaching a blind corner
Which leads me to believe you were following him for an extended period of time at a close distance, provoking him to take somewhat evasive action.

btw I'm curious to know- what do you hope to achieve by posting your frustrations against a GT-P owner on a Ford-based forum?
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Old 05-06-2005, 08:10 PM   #30
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Familiarity breeds contempt!!!

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