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Old 10-11-2006, 11:29 AM   #1
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Default Using mobile phones on aircraft

Heard on the news that soon mobile phones will be able to be used on airlines. They've worked out a way of shielding the aircraft's computer system from the mobile phone rays, whatever. Well halleluia! That's great, no?

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Old 10-11-2006, 11:31 AM   #2
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They proved on mythbusters that a plain is/has been shielded for a long time.

Aint no way I think they should be allowed, the last thing I want is 20 morons with big mouths screaming at a mobile phone all the way on a 1 hour flight.

Bad enough in restaurants, people have no manners ot etiquite.
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:34 AM   #3
4.9 EF Futura
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Originally Posted by EA2BA
They proved on mythbusters that a plain is/has been shielded for a long time.

Aint no way I think they should be allowed, the last thing I want is 20 morons with big mouths screaming at a mobile phone all the way on a 1 hour flight.

Bad enough in restaurants, people have no manners ot etiquite.

I also thought there were issues surrounding the cellular network and travelling at high speed.

i.e. the phone 'uses' a given phone tower, depending on the phone's proximity to the tower. Now consider what the phone (and indeed the network) will be thinking as you buzz over a city/town (and its many cellular points) at 600 odd kilometers an hour.
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Old 10-11-2006, 12:07 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by 4.9 EF Futura
i.e. the phone 'uses' a given phone tower, depending on the phone's proximity to the tower. Now consider what the phone (and indeed the network) will be thinking as you buzz over a city/town (and its many cellular points) at 600 odd kilometers an hour.
A Pilot/scientist in the states researched mobile phones and aircraft and found that there was very little chance of the mobile acquiring reception once the plane goes over 8000 feet - or something like that.

What Qantas are going to do is place a mobile phone receiver on the plane, and then relay the signal to a base station. However the catch is the phone receiver will be classed as a non carrier provider, requiring mobiles to be activated for international roaming. Qantas will then place it's fee on top of your normal call rates.
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Old 10-11-2006, 12:17 PM   #5
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Doesn't Qantas have those phones in the TV controller already, you can make calls and SMS on long haul. I think it's about 4 USD a minute for the privilage.

Internet on board now also does that mean Skype can work??
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Old 10-11-2006, 03:43 PM   #6
XR Martin
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Originally Posted by Dave_au
A Pilot/scientist in the states researched mobile phones and aircraft and found that there was very little chance of the mobile acquiring reception once the plane goes over 8000 feet - or something like that.

What Qantas are going to do is place a mobile phone receiver on the plane, and then relay the signal to a base station. However the catch is the phone receiver will be classed as a non carrier provider, requiring mobiles to be activated for international roaming. Qantas will then place it's fee on top of your normal call rates.
It wouldnt have been in the US, because its illegal by the FAA over there.
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:48 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by EA2BA
They proved on mythbusters that a plain is/has been shielded for a long time.

Aint no way I think they should be allowed, the last thing I want is 20 morons with big mouths screaming at a mobile phone all the way on a 1 hour flight.

Bad enough in restaurants, people have no manners ot etiquite.
Ever been on a train in Italy? The phones ring constantly. (and they all play very lovely tunes!) The people answer them and "talk" with their free hand waying in the air! Its a funny sight(I have actually seen them HERE doing that while driving). But the railways are safer than the roads (usuallly) Ever seen 5 Vespas racing each other side by side across a lane? So many people in wheelchairs must tell you something.
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:40 AM   #8
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Whats the big deal with having to be on the phone ALL the time, switch the thing off till you get there. Your right you dont need people yakkin on the phone for ages about nuthin, its bad enough in lifts / TOILETS / cafes / buses etc. you are allowed to actually sit quiet for a few minutes, you DONT need to be phoning on a plane thats just TOOO much.
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:41 AM   #9
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my frigen phone rings all the time I look forward to my time spent flying so I can have some pease, theres no way I want it
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:42 AM   #10
Dazza XLT
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I quite like turning mine off. Bit of piece and quiet!
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:42 AM   #11
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The plane is the only time I get without the phone. I would drive everyone nuts.

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Old 10-11-2006, 11:43 AM   #12
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When I was on a flight from London to Amsterdam, the plane flight goes as normal, the moment the plane touches the runway and the plane starts to taxi, and they say wait till the terminal to turn phones on etc and stay in your seat, just about the entire plane does the opposite, they all start yacking on the mobiles and getting overhead luggage, i could not believe it.
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Old 10-11-2006, 11:44 AM   #13
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Planes are but a mere public transport option in Europe.
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Old 10-11-2006, 12:26 PM   #14
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With Crying babies and Large elbowed obstacles i think Ignorant people don't need another reason
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Old 10-11-2006, 05:06 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by gozza
With Crying babies and Large elbowed obstacles i think Ignorant people don't need another reason
You too huh. Why is it that qantas always put me next to the fat guy that really should have bought two seats, and has never heard of deodorant????
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Old 10-11-2006, 05:17 PM   #16
4.9 EF Futura
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Originally Posted by Outbackjack
You too huh. Why is it that qantas always put me next to the fat guy that really should have bought two seats, and has never heard of deodorant????
Good to hear im not alone as well.

There's a lot to be said about catching the late flight out of town - usually have 3 seats to myself!!
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Old 10-11-2006, 06:16 PM   #17
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Or flying business or better class...

Mobile phones on planes shouldnt be allowed...

My phone has an 'offline' mode, and i got spanked for having it on, in offline mode on a plane... until they realised...
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Old 10-11-2006, 12:45 PM   #18
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I think you are forgetting the airline is wanting to cater to their bread and butter passenger - the corporate businessman who pays big bucks to fly. It is the corporate dollars that make Qantas's fat profits.

Dont get me wrong I dont want mobiles on planes either. But for the businessman it is a tool of their trade generally - I imagine they look at sitting on a plane as wasting time and they could be achieving much more if they had a phone service to utilise.

Furthermore I'd say the company paying for the businessmans flight AND salary will think its a great idea that they are now totally contactable at all times and they can now get greater productivity gains from their staff because they can now wheel and deal whilst sitting on the plane (where before they couldnt).

Im sure im gonna get flamed for this - so go for it.

The reality is it is going to happen. There are no boundaries anymore for mobile communications once this opens up.
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:03 PM   #19
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You're spot on. Sitting on the plane is a waste of time however I use it to respond to emails, do reports, do quote's etc. It's a good time to get stuff done while the phone can't ring.

Worst thing on a plane for a business traveller is having the ****er in front throw their seat into your lap whilst your laptop is open. Why do people feel the need to fling seats back?
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:04 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by GMH8TR
Worst thing on a plane for a business traveller is having the ****er in front throw their seat into your lap whilst your laptop is open. Why do people feel the need to fling seats back?
Cause you can, and its more comfortable to sleep.
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:23 PM   #21
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Imagine what that laptop is doing to your sperm count.
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:26 PM   #22
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A few facts to mix in with the emotions.

1) GSM mobile phones DO interfere with aircraft avionics. All VHF radio in aircraft are AM and GSM phones cause a bzzzz/click/click when they are being used.
This is not a huge problem in cruise but on approach/departure or in the circuit this can get you killed. Remember you are told to turn off all gizmos at top of descent?
GSM phones also upset the ADF and can make a VOR wobble. I have not had experience on a glideslope (ILS) as I am NOT THAT BRAVE (or crazy).

2) CDMA/Analdog phones work great at 10,000ft (and a bit) GSM goes nuts. This is not second hand info. I have not tried NextG yet, will soon.

3) Newer heavy jets have much more clever stuff but if the EFIS fails then they all go back the standard asi/alt/ah/vsi/tc/dg and as they are always IFR will be back on traditional navaids. I would not like to be in that situation and have something interfere with ANYTHING, particularly in IMC.

Now I am sure there is lots of pressure to have mobiles working everywhere and there are lots of places where they are used in flight, usually asia, usa, europe & africa, but then this is where most of the splats happen too.
Whether there is a connection or not I do not know for sure.

What I do know is that blind people cross the road safely all the time but when I cross the road I keep my eyes open, just in case......
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Old 10-11-2006, 04:07 PM   #23
XA Coupsta
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Originally Posted by flappist
A few facts to mix in with the emotions.

1) GSM mobile phones DO interfere with aircraft avionics. All VHF radio in aircraft are AM and GSM phones cause a bzzzz/click/click when they are being used.
This is not a huge problem in cruise but on approach/departure or in the circuit this can get you killed. Remember you are told to turn off all gizmos at top of descent?
GSM phones also upset the ADF and can make a VOR wobble. I have not had experience on a glideslope (ILS) as I am NOT THAT BRAVE (or crazy).

2) CDMA/Analdog phones work great at 10,000ft (and a bit) GSM goes nuts. This is not second hand info. I have not tried NextG yet, will soon.

3) Newer heavy jets have much more clever stuff but if the EFIS fails then they all go back the standard asi/alt/ah/vsi/tc/dg and as they are always IFR will be back on traditional navaids. I would not like to be in that situation and have something interfere with ANYTHING, particularly in IMC.

Now I am sure there is lots of pressure to have mobiles working everywhere and there are lots of places where they are used in flight, usually asia, usa, europe & africa, but then this is where most of the splats happen too.
Whether there is a connection or not I do not know for sure.

What I do know is that blind people cross the road safely all the time but when I cross the road I keep my eyes open, just in case......
So when translated into english..........is it bad?!........
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Old 10-11-2006, 04:26 PM   #24
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Originally Posted by XA Coupsta
So when translated into english..........is it bad?!........
Yes, rather than say I my opinion it is bad I have tried to describe WHY it is bad and given some first hand experience.
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Old 10-11-2006, 01:47 PM   #25
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Just incase you get hit by a plane?
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Old 10-11-2006, 02:09 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by GMH8TR
Just incase you get hit by a plane?
No, a saw......
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Old 10-11-2006, 03:58 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by flappist
No, a saw......
Oh, I see. Gotta drill this road safety message home when you can.
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Old 10-11-2006, 04:13 PM   #28
XR Martin
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Theres atleast one plane crash that was attributed to a passanger receiving an SMS during the flight.
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