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Old 29-10-2012, 10:01 PM   #1
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Default Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Hi all. I had a look at a bf mk2 xr6t today and I was a good car with some nice mild mods but was a bit worrying because the car had no service history and no receipts for mods or recent services. The guy seems really genuine and is a full time mechanic by trade. Any thoughts on what to do from here e cause I am really keen on making the purchase???

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Old 29-10-2012, 10:08 PM   #2
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

i bought a 2001 fairmont with a previous owner being a mechanic with no service book, he said he did all the servicing in his own time, and she runs like an absolute dream.
I'd get her checked out at another mechanics yourself if possible, but every car is different!
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Old 29-10-2012, 10:22 PM   #3
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Check the engine number and body number match. And pay the 20$ or so for an online check. Had the same thing a few years ago when buying a Terri and the car had been a repairable write off and the numbers did not match. Actually the numbers were one digit off which was very suspect. Same story was a mechanic, was wifes car and needed a smaller car bla bla bla.
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Old 29-10-2012, 10:27 PM   #4
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

My car doesn't have service stamps but has countless receipts for oil filters and oil for every 5000km and my own history written down for it (I'm a mechanic by trade too). Maybe he gets free oil at work?
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Old 30-10-2012, 05:29 AM   #5
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

I dont stamp my service book either but have just racked up 360,000 k's in a car that drives like the day we bought it . Do the usual checks and if not capable pay a mechanic to do it for you .
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Old 30-10-2012, 10:31 AM   #6
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

a lot easier to have the odo fiddled with when their is no up to date service stamps.
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Old 30-10-2012, 10:36 AM   #7
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

I got service history on mine, and keep it up to date. But have no proof of the work ive done to it
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Old 30-10-2012, 10:38 AM   #8
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

check if its been written off.
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Old 30-10-2012, 10:45 AM   #9
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Thats why I get all my log book services done by a mechanic. Saves trying to explain that you have done it all its life. I do the mid service oil changes myself though. Im a bit worried about purchasing cars with no log book.
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Old 30-10-2012, 12:23 PM   #10
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Get another mechanic to check it out and if he says it looks good then it probably is.
If I was going to service my car myself, I would keep all my receipts of stuff I had bought for the car in a folder. It's better then nothing.
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Old 20-11-2012, 11:09 PM   #11
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

I guess the op is worrying about the real mileage?? I have encountered the same issue recently, lot of sellers have no service log book provided. especially some have books, but were not up-to-dated...
WHY??? Interesting!!!
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Old 21-11-2012, 01:04 AM   #12
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Methinks some of you are reading too much into incomplete log books... If the guy is a mechanic, and wanted to do something dodgy (ie fiddle with the km's) surely he would have access to service stamps either where he works, at through a mate who works elsewhere, and could easily date and stamp the book however he liked. No guarantees , and I certainly dont know the owner or the car in question. However having worked in the motor trade for years, it constantly amazes me how people carry on about missing books etc, then proceed to buy a POS simply coz all the coupons are filled in, WTF...?

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Old 21-11-2012, 01:33 AM   #13
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Most cars would have driven at least 10k/year, and maybe more. For a BF that now adds up to somewhere between 70k - 200k's.

If you are buying this one privately, have a 'pre-purchase' inspection by an independent party if you feel unsure. Could be well worth the $100 or so that this will cost you.
They should be able to assist you with telling the overall condition, which will give an indication if it is genuine low ks.

Also, make sure there is no money owing on it. I have been burnt by that when I bought an old subaru, the owner showed me some Commonwealth bank papers 'see here, I have paid off my loan in full' (but what he didn't tell me was that there were another loan outstanding from another bank)

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Old 21-11-2012, 03:25 AM   #14
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Exclamation Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Originally Posted by patxbcoupe View Post
Methinks some of you are reading too much into incomplete log books... If the guy is a mechanic, and wanted to do something dodgy (ie fiddle with the km's) surely he would have access to service stamps either where he works, at through a mate who works elsewhere, and could easily date and stamp the book however he liked. No guarantees , and I certainly dont know the owner or the car in question. However having worked in the motor trade for years, it constantly amazes me how people carry on about missing books etc, then proceed to buy a POS simply coz all the coupons are filled in, WTF...?
thats a good one, as you r a mechanic.
how likely would a owner LOST the service log book? in most cases, service book and manual should be kept in the glove box. i have always seen very old log books came with the cars as i have drove in the past few years. its still acceptable if they were just incomplete somehow, but not that sound to be 'dont have a log book', or 'most likely' lost anyway.
in other words, that kind of uncooperative could indicate something right?
also, from your words, i presume its better to stay away from mechanics' car. coz they r very easy access to these technical issues, and truly dominating against normal customers with that excuse.
just my pov , cheers.

as a ordinary buyer i still believe the log book is not sufficient but very necessary mean to estimate the usage and value the car.

Last edited by JohnFalcon; 21-11-2012 at 03:34 AM. Reason: add another line
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Old 21-11-2012, 07:54 AM   #15
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

If you are going to service your car yourself I can't understand why people don't just *write* (i.e. no dodgy workshop stamp) in the service books themselves and staple receipts for oil, filters, etc. If it all matches dates, etc and least it shows an effort to be honest and that the owner is conscious of normal service intervals.

No evidence of servicing at all to me would mean that it could have missed a LOT of regular service intervals. There are people here at my work who's new cars (i.e. still under warranty periods) have skipped 15,000km service straight to 30,000 because they were "too busy". If you can't be bothered surrendering your car for a day for servicing then I couldn't be bothered considering buying it.

Personally I'd suggest there are too many good second-hand cars out there to bother considering one you might be uncomfortable (i.e. no service history) with. Walk on an find another ..
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Old 21-11-2012, 09:59 AM   #16
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Originally Posted by 37Pickup View Post
Check the engine number and body number match. And pay the 20$ or so for an online check. Had the same thing a few years ago when buying a Terri and the car had been a repairable write off and the numbers did not match. Actually the numbers were one digit off which was very suspect. Same story was a mechanic, was wifes car and needed a smaller car bla bla bla.
What do you mean the body number and the engine number. I did not think that the numbers matched on any car, after the 1980's. My BA GT has different numbers nothing matches and I know for a fact my engine has not been changed over.

Or am I getting the wrong numbers.
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Old 21-11-2012, 10:20 AM   #17
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

To me - there is a difference between the original service books not being filled out - and the books missing completely.

It's not the sort of thing that people 'throw out' on purpose.... But it is the sort of thing that can go 'missing' if it holds some contrasting information to the actual car.
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Old 21-11-2012, 11:39 AM   #18
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Originally Posted by xisled View Post
What do you mean the body number and the engine number. I did not think that the numbers matched on any car, after the 1980's. My BA GT has different numbers nothing matches and I know for a fact my engine has not been changed over.

Or am I getting the wrong numbers.
No FPV's don't have matching numbers. A normal Ford does so your both right.

I think FPV's actually have FPVxxxxxxx. As a part of there engine number.

Back to the topic. The only other to watch out for in a nice low km car is that it hasn't had the speedo reset or a new dash cluster swapped in to give the impression on low km. that would be a good reason to ditch the books. As mentioned check the vin/engine numbers. Also ignore shiny paint and check underneath and switches and etc for excessive wear and tear.

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Old 22-11-2012, 07:41 AM   #19
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Do newish cars make that much difference IF the service books are missing or missing a service or two
Newish cars drop in price faster than the national debt,is being perdantic about filter and services really gunna make that much on resale
All my cars are serviced by me ,i dont keep recepits or document when things were done,i know when they need doin
The overall condition of any car Vs its claimed Ks should be properly checked out, main roads keep all K readings when cars change owners,cant be hard to get a car independantly inspected or check the relevant people for a cars history
If the Ks seem legit,its not on WOVR,the inspection seems good,the price is right,go for it
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Old 22-11-2012, 09:43 AM   #20
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Have heard some hire companies will buy a brand new car and just basically never service it, bar maybe topping up oil (not changing) once in a while because they know the engines will last just long enough before they offload them.
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Old 23-11-2012, 09:16 PM   #21
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

for my two cents worth....
I am also a trade mechanic and self employed for decades now and what is important is not the book ( thought it's an advantage for sure) but the condition of the car

as one of the ever present second hand car buyers (we have never bought new ...not enough money)only the last two cars EA Falcon and now Territory have had their books. all the others back to my first in 1973 had no books but were all reliable because they were well maintained.

so either check the car carefully or get it inspected by a reputable mechanic or car club .
if the car "feels" tight and presents well and drives like it should ,it probably will be OK, modern cars especially Aussie or Japanese will miss a few services now and then and not suffer for it
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Old 23-11-2012, 10:11 PM   #22
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Originally Posted by waters3188 View Post
Hi all. I had a look at a bf mk2 xr6t today and I was a good car with some nice mild mods but was a bit worrying because the car had no service history and no receipts for mods or recent services. The guy seems really genuine and is a full time mechanic by trade. Any thoughts on what to do from here e cause I am really keen on making the purchase???
Get your own mechanic or someone who knows cars to check it for you.
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Old 24-11-2012, 01:05 AM   #23
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

I've never worried about service books on any car I've purchased.

I'm also a mechanic by trade, but the service books mean very little in my opinion.

What matters is how the car was looked after (ie garaged, kept clean etc), rather than proof of random mechanic shops doing a service every 6 or so months.

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Old 24-11-2012, 08:55 AM   #24
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

whats a service book indicate,that the oil has been changed most of the time by an apprentice,everything else is irrelevent and probably hardly checked anyway as it is checked at the rw for sale purpose.and the cost they charge for the service u could nearly give a discount on the car and still be in front.
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Old 30-09-2015, 05:56 PM   #25
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

I have similar issue to the original poster, Looking at a very low km Ba GT , all the rta and other checks are good , the car itself is immaculate , yet to drive it but that will happen, Owner tells me the last service the dealer didnt return the service book, turns out that dealership relocated between then and now and they dont have the book, Dealer informs me and emails me service record for last 5 years and original Dealer who sold the car has record for the fist 14 months , so there is 5 years missing, Car only has 42,000 km now ,
So im not really sure , I suspect that for an investment car most who would want to purchase it down the track would want to see this history , Any comments ????????
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Old 30-09-2015, 06:38 PM   #26
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

I service my car and keep record of work done ,dates, mileage , lubricants and parts used and reciepts for those. I buy quality oil , shockers ,brake pads , wiper blades etc .It has always impressed buyers when I sold cars in the past .
It shows regular servicing and dedication. I wouldn't buy an used car that was not maintained and without any sort of record - i prefer dealers service history for first owners .
Consumables like tyres can be a giveaway as you occasionally see a prestige or a sports car with the cheapest Chinese tyres or three different brands of tyres on one car.
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Old 30-09-2015, 06:42 PM   #27
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Service history means barely nothing,can be dodged up anyhow.
Ive purchased cars in the past with service history and had nothing but problems with them,bought cars with no history at all and they have been awesome cars...
Just because they have service history it doesn't mean they have not been abused!
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Old 30-09-2015, 07:36 PM   #28
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Service history now is alot of the time forged through car yards. In my area the second hand dealers have various stamps so they just get them out stamp a book and make it look genuine. So i dont trust service history ever.

I just use the same process everytime i look at a car, bring a second set of eyes aswell,
Check all fluids for contamination and the levels. check that there are no obvious signs of malfunction/mistreatment/wear on any components, take it for a test drive and listen for noises, feel how smooth the transmission is, how it handles, how it responds when you give it a bit of a squirt. Just be incredible scrutinising of the car. Try and find a problem with it.
If you cant find a problem you are not looking hard enough.
Also do a vehicle history check.
This should prevent you from buying an unreliable car or lemon.
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Old 30-09-2015, 08:36 PM   #29
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

Thanks guys, The vehicle checks are all good and i have someone looking at the car this weekend , on host , driving etc so i think im happy with going with what you see and feel. cheers
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Old 30-09-2015, 10:55 PM   #30
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Default Re: Buying a car (low km) with no service history

The only thing to add that hasn't been said, is that if this is a concern to you, then it may also be a concern to others if you have to flip the car in the future, making it harder to sell or get a decent price.
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