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Old 15-05-2007, 08:31 PM   #1
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Default Ultimate Rip Off

BP at the end of my street: regular ULP: 125 c/L
Ultimate: 145 c/L

Normally the margin is more like 10-12 cents per L, NOT 20!
What's going on?

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Old 15-05-2007, 08:41 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by xcgxl
BP at the end of my street: regular ULP: 125 c/L
Ultimate: 145 c/L

Normally the margin is more like 10-12 cents per L, NOT 20!
What's going on?
At least I'm not the only one now : We have the same problem here so I went in and asked and was told "Ultimate is always a bit more expensive". Told him that he can shove his Ultimate and that a bit more is 10cpl more not 20. Might give BP head office a call one day and query it with them.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 15-05-2007, 08:42 PM   #3
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Are you sure they weren’t going through the weekly price adjustment, perhaps they had moved PULP up the usual 10-12 cents but hadn't moved Regular as yet.
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Old 15-05-2007, 08:46 PM   #4
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maybe fuel companies are planning on paying some of their debt off and need more profits???

what a joke...fuel crisis my a**

anyways yeah PULP (ultimate) usually stays around 10cpl more

@ paulie... them not moving the regular price up yet is bad... im sure any increase wouldnt take more than 4 secs, decreases however years before its changed
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Old 15-05-2007, 08:49 PM   #5
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yes same senario in bendigo we have to use ultimate in some boats we run i also queried it the lady said thats that if you dont wanna pay that much dont fill up
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:11 PM   #6
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I just filled up with LPG for 51.9, Could have got it for 50.9 If I had waited until I got to the next servo 1km down the road. Ripped off...kicking myself. That's 64 cents I'll never see again.

LPG has had a bit of a spike lately. Last week was the first time I'd paid more than 48.9 in months.
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:12 PM   #7
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What I find strange, is that Ultimate burns cleaner, right?
The govt wants us to drive cleaner cars, and save the environment.
So why the hell don't they subsidize Ultimate fuel, so it will encourage us to use it, and thus result in a cleaner air?
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:16 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by paulie0735
Are you sure they weren’t going through the weekly price adjustment, perhaps they had moved PULP up the usual 10-12 cents but hadn't moved Regular as yet.
100% sure here. We don't have a weekly discount cycle.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:20 PM   #9
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When i worked in a servo it was fairly common to have a higher price marked on the board but at the pump it was lower (never the other way around though), so possibly at the pump it was cheaper and the board hadn't been changed.
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:20 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by 1970galaxie
What I find strange, is that Ultimate burns cleaner, right?
The govt wants us to drive cleaner cars, and save the environment.
So why the hell don't they subsidize Ultimate fuel, so it will encourage us to use it, and thus result in a cleaner air?
*pompous bureaucrat voice* Don't be silly!! subsidize Ultimate fuel??, save the enviroment?? BAH HUMBUG! buy a Prius if you want to save the enviroment
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:28 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by DirtyHarry
I just filled up with LPG for 51.9, Could have got it for 50.9 If I had waited until I got to the next servo 1km down the road. Ripped off...kicking myself. That's 64 cents I'll never see again.

LPG has had a bit of a spike lately. Last week was the first time I'd paid more than 48.9 in months.

Yeah, nice one DirtyHarry.
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:32 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by stockNAfairlane
When i worked in a servo it was fairly common to have a higher price marked on the board but at the pump it was lower (never the other way around though), so possibly at the pump it was cheaper and the board hadn't been changed.
Ever seen a price board with the price of Ultimate on it? I haven't. It would seem that BP is trying to screw regional folk.
Originally Posted by drew`SEVNT5
nah mate, aussie cars are the besterest and funnerest, nothing beats them, specially a poofy wrong wheel drive
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Old 15-05-2007, 10:13 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by stockNAfairlane
When i worked in a servo it was fairly common to have a higher price marked on the board but at the pump it was lower (never the other way around though), so possibly at the pump it was cheaper and the board hadn't been changed.
Nope, they don't even have the price of Ultimate up on the board. It only showed up on the pump when I started to fill, I had already put my Valvesaver additive in by that time so was more or less committed to filling up. Filled up my other car at the Woolworths Caltex just before and I could have got Vortex 98 for $1.30 with voucher, but I only had one. Ultimate is a better fuel but getting a bit rediculous the price of it. I queried the young guy behind the counter and he said he would mention it to his boss, that's all he could do.
PS to Harry, I used to buy my LPG for 18 cents per litre back in the day. When my XC stopped being my daily I pulled the gas out and had the engine bay painted etc. in 2003. PULP was about 90c/L then I think.
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Old 15-05-2007, 10:59 PM   #14
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I filled up on Ultimate @ 1.35 c p/l and normal ULP was 1.25.
It is always no more than 10c more for Ultimate at all the BP's I ever been too.
Mobile on the otherhand always seems to be 12c more for the Synergy 8000
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Old 15-05-2007, 11:36 PM   #15
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I put up a post a little while ago suggesting we boycott a certain brand of petrol
(Boycott Petrol).
If we all did it and went to another brand they will start to hurt and lower their prices.
We need to take it to these robbing dogs and show them we're fed up with being ripped off.
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Old 16-05-2007, 12:23 AM   #16
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got $20 of ultimate at my local BP last week (Cnr of burwood hwy and Ferntree gully rd.). pump showed 14.33ltr delivered. thought it was wrong so I got a reciept. added it up and by my calc should have been 15.03l. went back that evening to confront them and they denied it being wrong. ******** console op said whats it matter anyway if it is wrong, " it's only 700ml". then proceeded to serve the next customer. blah blah, anyway went in the next day and asked for the manager, he was not in and I asked when . the guy there did not know. I told him about it and whilst he more helpful and a "little" nicer about it, said he could not do anything, took my number and told me they would call. Still have not heard from them. If I have not heard by the end of the week I'll contact the ACCC and see what they have to say about it. In future I'll be checking this , suggest you all do too. I won't be going there again either way.
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Old 16-05-2007, 12:31 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by 1970galaxie
What I find strange, is that Ultimate burns cleaner, right?
The govt wants us to drive cleaner cars, and save the environment.
So why the hell don't they subsidize Ultimate fuel, so it will encourage us to use it, and thus result in a cleaner air?
And maybe the Government should subsidise bigscreens LCDs for everyone, they use less power right? The Gov wants us to save power, and save the environment, so why the hell dont they subsidise them?
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Old 16-05-2007, 01:12 AM   #18
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yep BP are shady if you ask me and I try to avoid them like the plague. I once put 10L of ultimate in my jerry can out of curiosity to see if actually measured 10L and sure enough it showed just over 9L in the jerry can. Aha I thought, so I confronted the cashier operator and he gave me a number to call..public relations or something along those lines at the head office. When I called, the guy was an absolute tool,..he informed me that my jerry can was incorrect and that the pump was calibrated correctly..LOL yeah right,...he wasnt at all interested in taking it any further !!! :togo:
vote with your wallet I say..
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Old 16-05-2007, 04:24 AM   #19
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I filled up with Shell V-Power (98) the other day it was 10c more than there ULP. Shell 95 was 6c more.
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Originally Posted by ATMO SIX
You have become the new SLOANY mate, no real quality to your current post(s).
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Old 16-05-2007, 08:32 AM   #20
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Ulimate used to be an option for most now it's a necessity, servo's are making money off this.
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Old 16-05-2007, 09:54 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by jgb
got $20 of ultimate at my local BP last week (Cnr of burwood hwy and Ferntree gully rd.). pump showed 14.33ltr delivered. thought it was wrong so I got a reciept. added it up and by my calc should have been 15.03l. went back that evening to confront them and they denied it being wrong. ******** console op said whats it matter anyway if it is wrong, " it's only 700ml". then proceeded to serve the next customer. blah blah, anyway went in the next day and asked for the manager, he was not in and I asked when . the guy there did not know. I told him about it and whilst he more helpful and a "little" nicer about it, said he could not do anything, took my number and told me they would call. Still have not heard from them. If I have not heard by the end of the week I'll contact the ACCC and see what they have to say about it. In future I'll be checking this , suggest you all do too. I won't be going there again either way.
Hey I know some of us hate those current affair programs, but if you get onto one of them they will probably jump at the idea and its a sure fire way of making the servo listen! Better than relying on the most likely slow actions of the company or ACCC.

I use shell V-Power by the way, and last i checked it was 131/L and that was 10c above regular UL.
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Old 16-05-2007, 10:56 AM   #22
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Originally Posted by jgb
got $20 of ultimate at my local BP last week (Cnr of burwood hwy and Ferntree gully rd.). pump showed 14.33ltr delivered. thought it was wrong so I got a reciept. added it up and by my calc should have been 15.03l. went back that evening to confront them and they denied it being wrong. ******** console op said whats it matter anyway if it is wrong, " it's only 700ml". then proceeded to serve the next customer. blah blah, anyway went in the next day and asked for the manager, he was not in and I asked when . the guy there did not know. I told him about it and whilst he more helpful and a "little" nicer about it, said he could not do anything, took my number and told me they would call. Still have not heard from them. If I have not heard by the end of the week I'll contact the ACCC and see what they have to say about it. In future I'll be checking this , suggest you all do too. I won't be going there again either way.
Have a look on the Gov websites for 'weights and measures' and get in touch with them. They take this stuff very seriously. Also go back and get the brand of the pump and give the manufacturer a call also.
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:34 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by XR6 Martin
And maybe the Government should subsidise bigscreens LCDs for everyone, they use less power right? The Gov wants us to save power, and save the environment, so why the hell dont they subsidise them?
They already do! Haven't you heard of the 'baby bonus'?
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Old 16-05-2007, 11:43 AM   #24
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It's funny how on the way to work (Morwell to Sale) all the major petrol stations I pass are at 137.9, except one, an independent, who is on 129.9 (and up until this week they were on 125.9 for weeks)

If a smalltime independent in a sleepy town can afford 8c/l less, surely the larger franchises can, especially since one of them is just 50m down the road from this independent station.

Should we have some kind of petrol watch thread that's updated daily (one post a day, by a mod, admin, or a dedicated researcher - NOT to be filled up with a heap of posts by the readers) comparing the typical capital cities average prices for LPG, ULP, premiums, diesel, as well as the aussie dollar vs US dollar, and the price for a barrel of oil? I'm sure some interesting correllations would emerge from the data, like the sharp rise in petrol prices when barrels of oil become more expensive, then the looooong lag in petrol prices after a barrel of oil becomes cheaper. I know that the Herald Sun has those "don't fill up above xxx c/L" snippets, and that the RACV has a fuel watch link somewhere on their site, but I'm not sure about a site with the above combination.
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Old 16-05-2007, 12:13 PM   #25
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So if you had a 60 litre tank and filled up at $1.25 it would cost $75, if you filled up at $1.45 it would cost $87, **** $12,big deal....
If petrol prices bother you buy a car that is economical.
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Old 16-05-2007, 01:35 PM   #26
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Thats ok

Unleaded 2000 $1.259 Eastern Melbourne
Unleaded 2000 $1.40 Not more than 6k down the road.
Powered by Marshall
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Old 16-05-2007, 01:40 PM   #27
sfr rob
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i find it better just to pull into a servo without looking at the price, fill up without looking at the bowser, handing your card over while whistling to drown out he sound of the attendants voice,do your transaction, put the receipt straight into your wallet and walk out, making sure you don't sneak a look at the bowser as you drive off.
Works well for me. I find there is no point in getting upset by the prices, what can you do when you need fuel, you HAVE to buy it, and no amount of whining will make it any cheaper.
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Old 16-05-2007, 01:58 PM   #28
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Originally Posted by MoreHPformyXR6
I filled up with Shell V-Power (98) the other day it was 10c more than there ULP. Shell 95 was 6c more.
Thats exactly how its meant to be, by policy (I work for Coles Express)

Originally Posted by sfr rob
i find it better just to pull into a servo without looking at the price, fill up without looking at the bowser, handing your card over while whistling to drown out he sound of the attendants voice,do your transaction, put the receipt straight into your wallet and walk out, making sure you don't sneak a look at the bowser as you drive off.
Works well for me. I find there is no point in getting upset by the prices, what can you do when you need fuel, you HAVE to buy it, and no amount of whining will make it any cheaper.
Rob i understand your sentiments but us that work at the console are people too!!! and I HATE IT!!! when people are so rude with doing that kinda thing, along with talking on their mobile when you serve them!!!

as what other people say about the wrong amount of fuel, I personally will do as much as I possibly can to help people with it, but if the pump is incorrect I cant do anything at all until that is verified by department of weights and measures, which in my experience we have our pumps calibrated more than once a month and in all my time with Coles Express I have never seen a pump more then .01 L out either way for the standard 10L calibrated amount.

Yes I do know that some people can be *******s behind the counter, but there is a large preportion of us that do try our best to ensure you get the best service we can give. I myself get regularly told that I'm too chirpy for serving them at 4:30am when I've been on since 11pm the previous night. And I do know that most of the customers are great and polite back but there are always some that chose to make our life miserable for no particular reason, like telling me to put my staff discount through on their petrol (what staff discount I'd love one!) (to abusing me for making millions off the price!! (lol millions, think I see any of that beyond my normal pay?)

sorry about the rant but I had to get it off my chest, (cos some unhappy customer decided to kick in my rear quarter panel while i worked last night) thank you for listening, or not. me= :
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Old 16-05-2007, 02:00 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by sfr rob
i find it better just to pull into a servo without looking at the price, fill up without looking at the bowser, handing your card over while whistling to drown out he sound of the attendants voice,do your transaction, put the receipt straight into your wallet and walk out, making sure you don't sneak a look at the bowser as you drive off.
Works well for me. I find there is no point in getting upset by the prices, what can you do when you need fuel, you HAVE to buy it, and no amount of whining will make it any cheaper.
Yeah, but it's nice to get it cheaper, if you can. They are definitely playing games because regular ULP has actually gone down 2c/L to $1.23. Everyone gets told to fill up on Monday or Tuesday because its the cheapest and it usually goes UP by lunchtime Wednesday. My local even puts on extra staff from Tuesday afternoon and there are queues out onto the street. I have even seen the fluoro mafia out directing traffic, stopping fights or whatever.
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Old 16-05-2007, 03:10 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by sfr rob
i find it better just to pull into a servo without looking at the price, fill up without looking at the bowser, handing your card over while whistling to drown out he sound of the attendants voice,do your transaction, put the receipt straight into your wallet and walk out, making sure you don't sneak a look at the bowser as you drive off.
Works well for me. I find there is no point in getting upset by the prices, what can you do when you need fuel, you HAVE to buy it, and no amount of whining will make it any cheaper.

Couldnt agree more mate, I wouldnt drive around in a V8 if I gave a toss about petrol prices, the only petrol I use is BP ultimate and I couldnt tell ya the last time I looked at what it costs, the only reason I no is because of threads like this and the never ending whingeing on the news every night of the week.
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