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Old 03-05-2015, 08:29 PM   #31
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

I have to say I usually look in the lane next to me for a couple of kms before I need to turn and move over when there is a gap, if no gap because someone is driving the same speed as me I will eventually indicate and hope that the people in the other lane are decent people and not selfish bastards. If they don't realize or don't care I would usually very slowly start moving towards their lane, then they will either brake or floor it.

Near my house there is a 'drag lane' when turning right. I think they are great because during peak time you get twice the amount of traffic through one green light than if it was only 1 lane. Once you make the right turn the left lane ends 150m after the intersection. If I am in the right lane I will happily allow people from the left across if everyone is staying in their place. But I have noticed a number of times when I have my empty trailer on there will be no cars next to me as I make the turn, I allow the car in front to merge in front of me, but out of no where some hero comes flying up the inside at the last second. It's like they see the trailer and automatically think "must get in front" When there is no traffic behind me or if I am already past the point where the centre line turns into a dotted line I will not back down for these idiots. They usually get upset but oh well. I almost had one idiot hit my trailer twice because of that situation. I was sort of hoping they would, not like a little damage would of hurt the trailer.
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Old 03-05-2015, 08:42 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by zilo View Post
I would not have let you in either.

If you are disorganised because you didn't time your lane placement then don't expect charity by cutting in front of me.

You cross ANY dotted line including a lane change and you must GIVE WAY.

It's the law and you are at fault if a collision occurs.

You should have slowed down behind her.

Call it what you will but i do that all the time, especially with idiots who think an indicator is a magic wand.

You must give way when changing lanes or merging....no ifs or buts.

And this explains why you live on an island. Not really a people person are you?
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Old 03-05-2015, 08:45 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
I hope she wasn't in a right hand turn lane sitting there for 15 minutes waiting to turn right and you tried to sneak in from the left hand lane?

Because those kind of sneaky f....ers make Sydney traffic worse than it needs to be and deserve to miss their turn off.

So many people do that at the bottom of the gladesville bridge. I just let them go coz I don't want to waste 10 mins exchanging details if we hit
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Old 03-05-2015, 09:19 PM   #34
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
I hope she wasn't in a right hand turn lane sitting there for 15 minutes waiting to turn right and you tried to sneak in from the left hand lane?

Because those kind of sneaky f....ers make Sydney traffic worse than it needs to be and deserve to miss their turn off.
Oh **** me that ****** me off.
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Old 03-05-2015, 09:32 PM   #35
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Being a builder I've done my fair share of towing a big trailer in traffic. You can clearly see the mentality of people....all they see is a car pulling a trailer and think "SLOW....I don't want to be behind that"!
So you learn to indicate very early.....but the next thing you learn is that these scum dogs with no road manners still have brakes when you simply just start moving over on them. It's the only way sometimes and have had to do it that way many many times. So sad really!

Just like my driveway.....on a main road. On entry...We have to indicate very early, as we have a steep slow entry that can't be helped. Despite indicating very early you still get the odd finger or horn from the odd self centered ignorant drivers!
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Old 03-05-2015, 09:41 PM   #36
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by zilo View Post
I would not have let you in either.

If you are disorganised because you didn't time your lane placement then don't expect charity by cutting in front of me.

You cross ANY dotted line including a lane change and you must GIVE WAY.

It's the law and you are at fault if a collision occurs.

You should have slowed down behind her.

Call it what you will but i do that all the time, especially with idiots who think an indicator is a magic wand.

You must give way when changing lanes or merging....no ifs or buts.
Didn't expect anything better from you. That's such a disgusting and selfish attitude and breeds road rage.
What if he'd just entered from a left hand side street and needed to get over? "Nah that's your problem....should have been more organized". That's about the most idiotic standpoint I've heard on here. What happened to common decency. If someone puts their blinker on in front of you......you let them in.....not speed up and down blocking them!

You don't like idiots with magic wands....but I can see some idiots with baseball bats heading your way.
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Old 03-05-2015, 10:48 PM   #37
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

I suspect the other driver was not doing it intentionally. I call them “pilot fish”. They cannot be bothered to look at the speedometer and just cruise along with whatever everyone else is doing. Speed up, and they unconsciously speed up. Slow down, and they unconsciously slow down. They seem to lack that “internal” speedometer. It is a sign of a poorly trained motorist. Unfortunately, a significant proportion has this same problem.
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Old 03-05-2015, 10:58 PM   #38
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

If you lived in wa Tony you would learn to deal with that sort of rubbish driving everyday because i have over the last 17 years haha.
Having a turbo or v8 helps alot,indicate then boot it to get where you want to be before they realise whats going on, no time for them to speed up and block your path,its the only way!
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Old 03-05-2015, 11:09 PM   #39
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by STEALTHY View Post
Cant say i have that problem, although my car has a secret switch that allows automatic lane changes (its the accelerator, then they're 3k's behind ;))
I have one of those too, it's called the T switch and follows after the letters XR,

Merging, just another one of driving's little joys.
igodabigblackshinycar and I relented and allowed a BMW into the garage.
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Old 03-05-2015, 11:41 PM   #40
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

I have actually had a COP! Do that to me...
On the freeway coming into Geelong from Melbourne, 4 lanes wide, 2 go to geelong, 2 continue, wanted to get into the 2 on the left from the 3rd. He blocked me over about 3 km, I would say there were around 5 to 6 movements 80-105km'h in a 100 zone! Couldnt believe it. Yes he was an unmarked hwy patrol VE SS wagon with tinted windows.. Ended up opening my window and waving at him (he didnt look, but didnt block me again). Rang the Corio cop shop (thats where the HWY patrol work from) to have a go at them, said I had to put in an official complaint, I didnt bother as the bloke would probably hunt me down...Cant trust people like this ). but they'd have a word.
Maybe this woman was a cop baiting you?!
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Old 03-05-2015, 11:50 PM   #41
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Brazen View Post

Aussie drivers are too polite, be assertive and get into the lane.
Are you having a laugh?
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Old 04-05-2015, 02:05 AM   #42
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by 1TUFFUTE View Post
Didn't expect anything better from you. That's such a disgusting and selfish attitude and breeds road rage.
What if he'd just entered from a left hand side street and needed to get over? "Nah that's your problem....should have been more organized". That's about the most idiotic standpoint I've heard on here. What happened to common decency. If someone puts their blinker on in front of you......you let them in.....not speed up and down blocking them!

You don't like idiots with magic wands....but I can see some idiots with baseball bats heading your way.
If we were in the same room you wouldn't be name calling or making threats.
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Old 04-05-2015, 02:08 AM   #43
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Giant Cranium View Post
And this explains why you live on an island. Not really a people person are you?
No... I live on an island cause I earn more than you.
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Old 04-05-2015, 02:17 AM   #44
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Big Damo View Post
Or on the other hand Taxi drivers on the Tullamarine Freeway heading airport bound, they all stay in the right hand lane and then want to go left at the last second to go to parking or airport and try barge in.

Same with people going Mickleham rd exit, same deal stay in right lane and barge over to exit left onto Mickleham rd jamming up the freeway.

If I'm merging onto freeway depending on how traffic is in the left lane I either haul *** to get on infront or slow down to get in behind them, depends on where I am and how fast they are going so I get on without disrupting everyone.

Yep...get the tossers who live in werribee/hoppers sit in the right lane all the way from the top of the West gate bridge.

Then at the last minute they put on their magic wands 250m from the turnoff expecting people in all 4 lanes to all give way to them.

The number of them that i have sent 10ks down the road to the south werribee turnoff is hilarious.

Yep if some idiot thinks i am going to let him in without the legal 3 car lengths at 100ks then they are dreaming.

They can slow down and wait...simple as that.

They soon get the message.

My in car camera works very nicely in a dispute.
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Old 04-05-2015, 02:22 AM   #45
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Bluey-GT View Post
Technically , you are incorrect.
In Victoria, When zip merging ( no lines ) you must give way to the vehicle that is slightly ahead of yours, regardless of left or right position.
Too often you see people think they have the right of way because they are on the main straight of the road and that the car zip merging needs to give way or slow down. Wrong.
Just sayin......

No I am completely correct,...read my post I said when crossing dotted lines you must give way.
Zip merging does not entail crossing dotted lines.
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Old 04-05-2015, 02:50 AM   #46
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Dealing with drivers is like hunting animals.

If you take a direct approach & make eye contact, they'll see you coming & take evasive action.

It's best if you appear to ignore them...sneak up quietly....THEN POUNCE!!!

I do this when encountering the old "speed up, slow down" boobs on a highway that I want to pass.

I get close, they speed up, I back off, they slow down!

So...I deviously drop back so they relax a little, & just before an overtaking opportunity presents itself, I pounce with every gear & horse available to me!

maybe I'm reading to much into this. I doubt it though!
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Old 04-05-2015, 06:41 AM   #47
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This problem does not happen if you own a XR6T.
Slightly speed up...she speeds up. Slightly slow down, she slows down.
Wind down window, middle finger in the air and hit the loud peddle.
You are now in front of her.
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:23 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by zilo View Post
No... I live on an island cause I earn more than you.

You don't know what I'm worth. With that statement it really sums up what sort of person you are.
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:27 AM   #49
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by tonys6550 View Post
My question is this, Are today's motorists that inconsiderate and ignorant to other road users or are they just uneducated?

I mean I grew up with the belief that you were considerate to others on the road, IE, stay left unless overtaking or turning right, let people change lanes when they indicate to do so. And the list of courteous behaviour goes on.

Perhaps I'm living in the past and need to get with the times.
Absolutely, it's not your road anyway it's mine.

I like to be in front of them before they even know what's going on, quick blip of the throttle and it's all over. Then they don't even get the chance to be an ********.
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:32 AM   #50
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

So nice living in the country where if you indicate for a lane merge, people will slow to let you in and I reciprocate.

Made a rare trip into Sydney yesterday and saw two instances of people having to force a merge when people wouldn't let them in. In the second one (in front of a hospital) the aggrieved driver sat on his horn for a couple of minutes to vent his anger at the "insult" to his ego. People in cities are just so stressed and really need to get a life.
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Old 04-05-2015, 07:45 AM   #51
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
I hope she wasn't in a right hand turn lane sitting there for 15 minutes waiting to turn right and you tried to sneak in from the left hand lane?

Because those kind of sneaky f....ers make Sydney traffic worse than it needs to be and deserve to miss their turn off.
God yes! I get this every day on the way to work. Then they block traffic going the other way while they wait for someone to let them in. I'm pretty sure the only reason we have a long queue is the people doing this, as the lane they're trying to get into splits into two.

As for the original post, I was taught to indicate to let people know that you are going to change lanes, and generally someone will let you in. I find if you actually are in a gap, more often than not the person behind you will speed up to stop you. Have to be quick!

If there's someone next to me I'll generally slow and get in behind them. Don't indicate until I'm behind them though!
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Old 04-05-2015, 09:48 AM   #52
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by zilo View Post
I would not have let you in either.

If you are disorganised because you didn't time your lane placement then don't expect charity by cutting in front of me.

You cross ANY dotted line including a lane change and you must GIVE WAY.

It's the law and you are at fault if a collision occurs.

You should have slowed down behind her.

Call it what you will but i do that all the time, especially with idiots who think an indicator is a magic wand.

You must give way when changing lanes or merging....no ifs or buts.
Ahhhhhhhhh......you must have been 'disorganised' when reading the OP. The advice you gave -he did do......he slowed down to move in behind her - she did the same to block him.

Courtesy goes a long way...... anyone who says they haven't been caught in the wrong lane wanting to change lanes is kidding themselves.

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Old 04-05-2015, 10:18 AM   #53
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she might have been bored and just wanted to play games.

i play chicken in my street sometimes, its a 50km zone and there is a 90deg bend and cars always go over the white lines so i hug the line forcing them to move over, yesterday a green FG XR6 had all 4 wheels in my lane so i hugged the line to be a ***** and he swerved so hard i thought he hit the gutter on the other side of the road, i was hoping to have cleaned his mirror up on my bullbar at least but missed it just.
maybe the other car will do 50kmh and stay in his own lane from now on
p.s. girl was killed 12 months ago on that bend when her friend lost control and hit a telegraph pole.
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:35 AM   #54
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

seriously this raises a bigger issue.....I mean what is this lady doing out of the kitchen anyway??
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Old 04-05-2015, 10:51 AM   #55
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What really gets my goat is when you are driving in a truck (B double) doing 100 km/h and some plonker in front of you is doing 80-90 km/h forcing you to slow down but when they get to a overtaking lane speed up to prevent you from overtaking then when it ends slow back down.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:16 AM   #56
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Originally Posted by zilo View Post

Yep...get the tossers who live in werribee/hoppers sit in the right lane all the way from the top of the West gate bridge.

Then at the last minute they put on their magic wands 250m from the turnoff expecting people in all 4 lanes to all give way to them.

The number of them that i have sent 10ks down the road to the south werribee turnoff is hilarious.

Yep if some idiot thinks i am going to let him in without the legal 3 car lengths at 100ks then they are dreaming.

They can slow down and wait...simple as that.

They soon get the message.

My in car camera works very nicely in a dispute.
Funny **** hey..

Had this ****** pull some **** on me a few months ago.

For those familiar with the relatively new Northern Expressway in Adelaide the exit from Pt Wakefield rd on to the expressway is a single lane coming from a 90k zone and opening to two lanes and a 110k zone.
Quite often cars will blast to 110k as soon as the lane splits in two and a good 150 before the 110k sign.

Anyway, this ****** in a red VE SS ute blasts past me as we enter the dual lanes and sits on about 105k.
I sat behind him for a few k's but he wasnt getting up to 110 so i went to pass him.
he allows me up along side and then proceeded to speed up and prevent me from getting over.
I slowed down, he slowed down, i sped up, he sped up.
This went on for about 15k's until i needed to get off the expressway and he was in the way.

Now i could have sat there for another 15k playing this ******* game, but he wasnt pulling that **** on me.
I got level with him, we both eyeballed each other and i pulled hard down on the steering wheel in his direction.
Needless to say his eyes widened and he took evasive action, he was in a world of hurt when i had him hanging off the edge of the shoulder at 110k and the over head sign post and accompanying steel barrier 50m in front of him.
He's lucky im not that kind of guy, so i let him back on the shoulder.

He then tried to pull some more smart **** on me until he realised he had rattled the wrong chain and wasnt going to just drive off into the sunset.
At that moment in time, with my psychological state, two written off cars in the ditch on the side of the road would have been a positive outcome, like russian roulette at 110k.

I last saw him hard on the brakes and pulling a u turn through the centre strip in order to avoid any further issues.

He probably had a camera too...
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:45 AM   #57
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Words of wisdom from the RACV website - Too bad that so many drivers actually ride HIGH HORSES instead of drive cars...........

merging vehicles should not stop to give way, but they have a responsibility to find a suitable, safe gap to merge into. Other drivers can assist by being courteous and adjusting speeds or changing lanes if possible to create a suitable gap.
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Old 04-05-2015, 11:58 AM   #58
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certainly would not happen in South Australia. Countries most courteous drivers. I've lost count of the number of times I haven't been abused on a SA road.
Eastern states, on the other hand??
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Old 04-05-2015, 12:02 PM   #59
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Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

Plenty of examples of passive aggressive idiots in cars making it hard for everyone in this thread!

There are two things the "I'll stop you from changing lanes brigade" miss. It doesn't matter whether there are marked lanes or no lanes at all.

1. Menacing driving is a major offence

2. The regulation that it is every drivers responsibility to drive in a manner that does not cause a situation that may result in an accident.

Both of these trump the dotted line or no dotted line argument.

The pigheaded driver who speeds up and slows down to prevent someone changing lanes or merging is driving in a manner that contravenes both.
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Old 04-05-2015, 12:17 PM   #60
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