Originally Posted by 4.9 EF Futura
This is not the first time you've made such a claim. Did they seriously get pulled from the air?
I attributed the downfall of full frontal, the D-generation's various shows, comedy company, Jimeon etc on the increasing snobbiness of Australia's sense of humour. Characters of the likes of Uncle Arthur were traded in for the likes of Friends. Kym Gyngell given the flick for Jerry Seinfeld. David Rabbitborough's analysis of the Australian suburbanite was not "cool" enough to retain the channel 10 and channel 7 crowd. No, they'd rather watch another USA sitcom.
If the decision to cease the production of such shows was indeed through fear of litigation, i doubt they would play all of these fantastic Aussie comedy shows on Pay TV.
The Late Show wasn't pulled.
But the point I'm making is that The Late Show couldn't do what they did back then now because some dickheads would watch the show just to find something to complain about.
My view is that if something sucks, don't watch it. Don't ruin it for people with a sense of humour.
The fact that "look at moi" on Kath and Kim is considered to be funny and a "classic" shows just how bad television is now.