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Old 25-12-2006, 12:10 AM   #1
Regular Member
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Adelaide, SA
Posts: 59
Default Poor End

Yesterday(23rd Dec.) an XW Falcon slammed into a tree at Birkenhead here in Adelaide. It happened along Victoria Road near the cement factory at Birkenhead. Apparently the car was a GT but I hope it's a replica, anyway both people driving the car were flung from it as it caught fire one dying on impact and the other shortly after. This was a freak accident as it is a straight stretch of road but it has loads of pine trees in the median strip which has lifted the road in places with their roots. What happened is they were travelling along(Presumably at a high speed) and hit one of these bumps in the road causing the car to lose control at which time it went up on the median strip hit the tree head-on which has flung the car around 180 degrees(Hence the speed verdict) and it has ended up facing the opposite way on the same side of the road as it was travelling along. The weird thing is my mother saw it at about 4:45pm and the accident happened shortly after 5:00pm.

Here is a pic

The tree on the left of the pic is the tree they slammed into(Travelling from left to right from the pics. view ending up facing the opposite way)

and here is a link to the Article


BTW the Owner/Driver was a mate of my father's mate and the car had only been finished on the 19th of December.

Poor end to both of the guys plus the XW.


P.S. I have to introduce myself properly soon but I'm a bit shy :

ED_Monty is offline  

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