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Old 28-02-2012, 07:49 AM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 3,633
Default Big power from small engines

Driving into work this morning, it occurred to me that Ford are wasting a lot of money with the EcoBoost engine. This is not how big power is made from small displacement engines.

After yet again being stuck behind people in people in 4-cyl whitegoods doing 80km/h in 100km/h zones, miraclously these vehicles - whos acceleration is seemingly measured in geological terms and top speed seems about 80km/h - suddenly seem to encounter a massive boost of power and speed as soon as a sign "Passing Lane Ahead 500m" is visible.

I think Ford need to keep their money and just fit a standard 2.0L to the FG, but have a clever heads-up display which projects a "Passing Lane Ahead 500m" sign into he drivers field of view when they start to put the foot down. Seems to work for all other N/A 4-cyl vehicles? This system might have a bit of lag, but I'm sure with all the money saved manufacturing actual "stuff" (i.e. turbos) they could iron out the bugs pretty quick ..

Last edited by OzJavelin; 28-02-2012 at 08:15 AM. Reason: Can't spell "clever" (how unclever)
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