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Old 19-11-2009, 11:30 PM   #11
they call me Tibbo
Racecraft's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Brisbane
Posts: 6,163

I've sat here and watched and read:-

A few things to consider

  • The problem (evident by some of the responses in this thread) the True Blue Aussie is dying a slow death. Once we used to give every one a fair go, that is a thing of the past.
  • Immigrants do the job that no Australian wants to do as it is beneath them.
  • Without the overseas drivers, those people would be on here b"cth"ching that taxi response times were terrible. Without the Indians. Pakis. Chinese and Somalians you'd be waiting forever for your cab to rock up.
  • Throw your hat into the ring, back up your biased opinion and:-
  1. leave your family behind in another country
  2. Work your behind off to improve yourself in a foreign land
  3. Dress impeccable, 10 times the company standard and 20 times the average Aussie yobo
  4. Learn a new city, but at the same time be responsible for the well being and safety of complete strangers.
  5. Interpret Australian slang, even a dinky die Ozzie can stumble on lingo let alone to a 2nd language foreigner that was taught English
  6. Drive an unfamiliar motor car to a standard that is across the board' acceptable. Some want a quick trip, others a slow, steady and safe trip
  7. Do all of the above yet knowing that no matter if you are cabbie of the year, it won't be good enough.
No one is perfect, Some try to improve some just whinge......

Going by a few of the posts in this thread, when are you booking your ticket to travel to India to get your cab license????

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