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Old 03-05-2015, 08:29 PM   #11
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Join Date: Jul 2010
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Posts: 4,348
Default Re: A woman would not allow me to change lanes!

I have to say I usually look in the lane next to me for a couple of kms before I need to turn and move over when there is a gap, if no gap because someone is driving the same speed as me I will eventually indicate and hope that the people in the other lane are decent people and not selfish bastards. If they don't realize or don't care I would usually very slowly start moving towards their lane, then they will either brake or floor it.

Near my house there is a 'drag lane' when turning right. I think they are great because during peak time you get twice the amount of traffic through one green light than if it was only 1 lane. Once you make the right turn the left lane ends 150m after the intersection. If I am in the right lane I will happily allow people from the left across if everyone is staying in their place. But I have noticed a number of times when I have my empty trailer on there will be no cars next to me as I make the turn, I allow the car in front to merge in front of me, but out of no where some hero comes flying up the inside at the last second. It's like they see the trailer and automatically think "must get in front" When there is no traffic behind me or if I am already past the point where the centre line turns into a dotted line I will not back down for these idiots. They usually get upset but oh well. I almost had one idiot hit my trailer twice because of that situation. I was sort of hoping they would, not like a little damage would of hurt the trailer.
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